What Are Your Hands Saying?

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What Are Your Hands Saying?

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A unique part of the human body is the hand. With the hand we can reach out to help, we can express an emotion, we can greet people and we can give and take things. Indira Gandhi was quoted as saying, “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”

Her observation describes the difficulty that people and nations have in solving problems when anger, hatred or the desires to hurt and fight are present. A clenched fist is for fighting. The one who has this stance is not ready to negotiate and talk–they are ready to fight.

A woman of great value is one who uses her hands wisely. Proverbs 31:19-20 tells of hands that work well and are ready to help the needy. Hands that express friendship and respect say as much as a hundred words ever could.

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