What Have We Done?

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What Have We Done?

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“As the bomb fell over Hiroshima and exploded, we saw an entire city disappear,” said Capt. Robert Lewis, the commander of the Enola Gay. “I wrote in my log the words: ‘My God, what have we done?’”

As mankind has gained ever greater control over the land, sea and air of this earth, those comments will become ever more meaningful. “My God, what have we done?” echoes through the actions of humans from wars, pollution, destruction of forests and wildlife as well as the development of ever more dangerous ways of destroying one another or satisfying the god of greed.

We have brought ourselves to the point of self-extinction in at least 50 different ways. Is there a future that we can see through the smoke of gloom and doom? God says there is and you can know about it.

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