Words Are Cheap

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Words Are Cheap

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Kind words don't cost us a dime—but they often have a huge effect on the person the words are directed toward. The Bible says the right words are beautiful and valuable (Proverbs 25:11). Kind words encourage people and make them feel loved. They also brand us as a kind and caring person. Sometimes we don’t know that our words were encouraging and uplifting to another person. That is not always bad because we should not be looking for thanks or appreciation. We should be using kind words as a part of our daily lives—meaning we always respond with kind words when we can.

Many things in life are expensive and costly, but words are cheap. They cost nothing except learning when and how to use them. Sincere compliments, thoughtful concerns and encouragement are of great value. They cheer the heart. A person with a wealth of wisdom can convey words of kindness. Spend this fortune generously.

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