Work: Too Much or Too Little?

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Too Much or Too Little?

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There are two ditches alongside of the road of our work life. The workaholic is stuck in one ditch, and the laggard in the other.

Words of wisdom are found in Ecclesiastes 4:5-6: “The fool folds his hands and consumes his own flesh. Better is a handful with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind.” The fool and the workaholic do not have the quietness that being content with having enough brings.

Contentment is something we can learn. It does not come naturally, but is a product of right thinking. Wisdom calls for us to assess situations that we face in life. Taking a step back and really having a good look at how near one is to the middle of the road is a positive thing to do. The middle of the road is furthest away from both ditches.

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