Thoughts at the end of the week...

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Thoughts at the end of the week...

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This has been a dramatic week on Wall Street. A congressional plan to “solve” the problem is still coming together and many hope it will be in place before the start of trading on Monday morning. It will be several days before we can evaluate the impact on our economy and America’s standing in the world. I have already commented in earlier posts about this. Lots more to watch.

None of us want to see this country and its people dragged through a recession or, far worse, a depression. The human cost of people loosing savings and jobs and suffering dislocation would be very unsettling. We sometimes forget about how these large problems impact families. Social upheaval tears at the fabric of society.

My thoughts and prayers are for this nation to repent and come to understand the real cause of these problems. God said through Ezekiel, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?” God lists the sins of idolatry and Sabbath breaking at the heart of the problems with Israel, both ancient and modern.

We have made a large golden idol out of our wealth and lifestyle. America is the world’s wealthiest nation and we consume huge amounts of resources to maintain the affluence all of us have come to expect as our right. I truly believe most Americans would do anything to maintain that lifestyle. We might even sell our birthright of freedom in order to maintain it. In fact we already have to a large degree. The world extends us credit and funds our debt so we can maintain our high life. It is one reason they helped us in recent days by buying dollars to prop up markets and keep the wheels of commerce flowing. They can’t afford to let America go under. We are so drunk on the “wine” of affluence we cannot see the dangerous situation we are in.

I don’t want to dwell on a somber note. But let’s use this time to awaken to the peril before us. You see real fear and panic in people who do not know how all this will turn out. Pray that many might begin a search for meaning and stability, a real spiritual stability, in their life. We can know God’s plan and be assured of His hand to guide our lives.

Enjoy God’s Sabbath.

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