Thoughts on Memorial Day

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Thoughts on Memorial Day

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It is Memorial Day in America. Today we remember those who have died in service to the country. Flags fly and flowers are placed on graves. Not as many go to the cemeteries as in the past. I guess we are too busy sometimes to pause. Last night Andy Rooney had a comment on the day in his commentary on “60 Minutes”. He was remembering his friends who died in their youth during World War II. His conclusion was powerful. We observe Memorial Day not for the dead, they know nothing, but for ourselves–that we might learn. What we need to learn is the way to peace instead of war. What is needed is a “new religion”, Rooney’s term for a new way of thinking. He is right. It will take a new religion, one not fully understood in today’s world. It will take a new religion to learn the way to peace rather than war. Isaiah talks of the day when rods will be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. Nations will no longer go to war neither will the art of war be taught and studied in the war colleges. A new religion will be taught from Jerusalem–one not taught now. It will be based on the righteous teachings of the God of Jacob. (Isaiah 2:2-4) This “new religion” will be different from the world religions of today. The kingdoms of this world will not bring this time to pass. Only the coming of the kingdom of God will make it possible. It is time for us to start learning the ways of this kingdom, this new path of life, the path to peace.

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