Three Biggest Threats to Europe

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Three Biggest Threats to Europe

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A portion of the latent anti-Americanism in the foreign press is shown in a column by the Financial Times writer, Philip Stevens. In a column yesterday, "The World Needs a Powerful But More Humble America", Stevens played his hand with this statement:

"Americans should not be surprised...that the reaction in Europe to the devastation wrought by Katrina has been ambivalent. The human instinct has been to share the sadness at the loss of so many innocent lives and at the ruin of a city that has carved out a special place in affections of millions far beyond American shores. Yet alongside this sits a nagging satisfaction that Mr. Bush's inert administration has been humbled".

I should mention that Germany and other European nations have come to the aid of America during this recent tragedy. That does not negate the damage that has been done to American prestige in some eyes. Those who do not wish us well will try to leverage this incident in the court of those who despise all that is America.

Mr. Stevens ended with two interesting paragraphs. He cautioned Europeans who would want to see America retreat into isolationism or a "return to the pursuit of the narrowest of national interests..." He ended by summing the dangers that currently face Europe:

"The three biggest threats to European security and prosperity at present are the bloody chaos in Iraq, Iran's nuclear ambitions and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. None can be resolved without EU enlargement. The world needs a powerful America but a humbler one."

It is interesting that all three dangers to Europe come from the Middle East. On this he is right. If you have not read our booklet "The Middle East in Bible Prophecy" it would be a good idea to brush up on the the Bible shows will come from this region in the future. Europe, and ultimately the oldworld, will be drawn further into this pivotal world region by larger forces that are now gathering.

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