Twilight on the Land

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Twilight on the Land

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I am getting ready to do a Beyond Today television program entitled, “No Stone Left Unturned”. It is the first in a series we are doing on Christ’s Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24.

Here is the heart and core of Christ’s projections of what to look for at the end of the age–the signs preceding His second coming. Although I will not get to elaborate this point today (next program) I note that Christ really emphasized avoiding the deceptions of our time. Read through the chapter and notice how much He focuses on deception.

The first sign He mentions is those who come in His name and deceiving many. If there is one feature of our age that jumps out nearly everywhere it is the emphasis on the spiritual. And so much of what we see is an interest in the occult and forms of spiritism that masquerade as good.

This morning’s USA Today had an article about recent bok sales in America. During the recent holiday period twenty percent of the books sold were part of the Stphanie Meyer series on teenage vampire romance. That’s one every five books sold! Vampires and adolescent desire is certainly a commercial success. It is also a part of what I call a “twilight on the land” that has settled on America and the west. The result is further darkening of perception between right and wrong and good and evil.

Christ’s words were never more relevant.

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  • fair64
    I'd like to share what I personally know about this love of "vampires". I, too, had a perverted fixation on the genre. As I've started keeping the Sabbath with the NYC congregation under the loving guidance of Mr. Howard Davis (12 Sabbaths as of yesterday), I have STOPPED WATCHING/READING ANYTHING concerning this demonic fixation. The reason? Through my interactions with the true and living God, I've come to realize "that it is ETERNAL LIFE" that I crave! I've since learned that God Himself put this desire for eternal life inside of me. What a counterfeiter the devil is, trying to pawn off vampires as the way to achieve power and live forever. Well, that is what he does best..COUNTERFEIT what only the TRUE CREATOR provides. Just a little insight, thank you.
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