Vanquishing Fear and Anxiety

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Vanquishing Fear and Anxiety

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Ever experience a little fear or doubt? In today's age, perhaps the question would be better phrased, "Ever have an extended time when you didn't experience anxiety or doubt?"

With our daily television programs and Internet sites often filled with bad news and stories of a shaky economy, wars and violence, we can sometimes feel like giving up. Perhaps you worry for your children, or conversely, your aging parents. Perhaps you or someone you know worries about making ends meet or about the stability of a job.

Afraid to do anything?

When we're going through tough times, the worrying part can be the worst of all. As the Bible tells us, "An anxious heart weighs a man down" (Proverbs 12:25, New International Version). If we're nervous or filled with anxious worry, we can become mentally paralyzed, afraid to do anything.

Ever been there? Just like millions of other people, I have. But I also know that I—like you—have this unbreakable power-filled promise: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

True peace

I know God will take care of me, even when every fiber of my mind tries to believe otherwise. I have experienced this peace that "transcends all understanding."

That's why as president of the United Church of God, the church that publishes The Good News, I'm very glad you're reading this magazine. It's not called The Good News without reason. While from time to time we explain hard sayings or prophetic passages in our pages that may predict tough times, we know that when all is said and done, God wins, and He wins big! We teach the Bible's gospel message in the pages of this magazine, which is appropriate as the word gospel simply means "good news." This gospel is all about the good news of the coming literal Kingdom of God, a time when war and violence and evil things will be totally replaced by a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity.

The source of an anxiety-free life

As readers of The Good News know, while we look to a future literal Kingdom of God led by none other than Jesus Christ, we can have personal inner peace in this age, even as things seem to be falling to pieces around us. As the ancient King David of Israel wrote, "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" (Psalm 34:4).

We in the United Church of God have the unparalleled privilege to both experience the wonderful outcomes of living the way of life as taught in the Bible and to bring the practical knowledge of this way of life free of charge to people like you.

As the president of the Church, it is my hope that you will continue to read and drink deeply of these important biblical truths that are presented in The Good News. And if you're curious about this coming Kingdom of peace and harmony, I invite you to immediately request—or better yet, download—a copy of our free booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom. Knowing the sure future of humanity—for you and your family—can ignite a lasting spiritual hope that will vanquish fear and anxiety and replace them with excitement and anticipation of the coming Kingdom.

Thank you again for reading The Good News. And if you ever have a question, please don't hesitate to write or contact us.

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