Weekly Links of Interest: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Steve Jobs

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Weekly Links of Interest

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Steve Jobs

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Each week I run through a lot of Web content searching for material and ideas for Beyond TodayThe Good News and other media. Some of it might be useful to you in your understanding of today's world. 

Marriage Rates down Among Young

A new Pew Research poll shows that marriage rates have fallen for those over 18 years of age to 51%, down from 57% in 2000. An increasing number of young Americans consider marriage an obsolete social environment. Put this with the data from another study below and draw an undeniable fact.

Premarital Sex Among Christians

80% of unmarried professing Christians are sexually active according to a Gallup poll.In spite of vows of abstinence the young give in to the pressures of a sex saturated society and the normal pulls of the flesh. With more putting off marriage into their 30's the institution of marriage continues to see increased pressure. 

Do The Three Abrahamic Faiths Worship the Same God?

A very good article that shows how modern thinking has connected the three faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Are they indeed monotheistic religions and are they all pointing to the same God. some interesting thinking.

Thinking Different With Steve Jobs

I confess my continued fascination with articles about Steve Jobs. His life will continue to be studied for years. This piece shows how Apple's iconic "Think Different" ad campaign took shape. Arguably one the great ad campaigns of all time. If you have never seen the one minute ad created for this be sure to follow the link in this article. Bookmark it for future inspiration.


  • John-A-Mcguire

    Being a new boy on the block, Aussie chip!
    I got some thoughts out this one.

  • thomasraukamp

    I do enjoy your selection. Please keep up this weekly post.

  • Darlene Lausted

    Thank you for this new weekly post you are doing. I find the articles/information very interesting.

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