What Will Your Response Be?

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What Will Your Response Be?

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"If you repent, I will restore you…" (Jeremiah 15:19). 

There is no doubt that the United States is experiencing a time of anguish. So much of the news reflects on economic woes and national troubles that seem to have no end or solutions. No matter what is decided in our nation's capital - there seems to be no good answer to the problem our nation is facing.

Our nation's leaders are searching for answers. The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, is calling for a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday, August 6, 2011. A big event called the "The Response" is being held in Houston to encourage people to ask God to intervene in our country's struggles. But will this help our nation in crisis?

Personally, you might be facing troubles of your own. Your finances might be stressed. Your health might be failing. Your marriage might be on the line of divorce. The thoughts overwhelm you as you wrestle in not knowing a solution to the personal difficulties you face. 

You, America and the entire world needs a restoration. This is not a solution that comes from us but from our loving and merciful Father. The prophet Joel gave a strong warning message to ancient Israel (the same message can apply to us today) to "rend your heart" and "return to the Lord with your heart…that He may turn and have pity" and prevent further "calamities". (I would encourage you to read the whole book of Joel for the entire story.)

The only solution for the woes, problems, difficulties, turmoil (you choose the word) for the United States and you personally - is to humble yourself before God in fasting and prayer - and seek His forgiveness. This is called repentance - and it’s a start in turning your life around and making the relationship with God a number one priority. Can a nation change its ways? Yes. Read in the Bible how God spared Nineveh's destruction because the people turned from their evil ways (Jonah 3).

Don't wait for solutions to come from your government, leaders, friends, a religious revival - whoever. Start with the solution yourself. Follow the example of the apostle Paul when he wrote, "Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret…"(2 Corinthians 7:10)

What will your response be?

If you are just starting to learn about prayer, fasting, humility and repentance - please read the related resources below or featured Bible Study aid booklets.

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  • bdhamilton

    The reason the church and its ministers can not publicly endorse Gov. Perry's activity is because Gov. Perry is a current political figure and to endorse his acivities could possibly endanger the church's status as a tax-exempt organization. Abraham Lincoln is, of course, no longer a current political figure.

  • dust_i_am

    How curious that I haven't heard or read any Church of God ministers endorse Governor Perry's fast, or encourage members to join in it. Yet they constantly turn to President Lincoln's similar appeal from 1863.

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