What Would Jesus Do Between Christmas and New Years?

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What Would Jesus Do Between Christmas and New Years?

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Since He was not born in the dead of winter Christ would not have even thought about celebrating His birthday, nor would anyone else. And New Years? Well, since the Romans used it as a worship of their gods I can't see that Christ would have been looking for a party to celebrate. So let's park the question for a minute and look at what the last week of the year becomes in our modern culture.

It seems the last week of December today has become one extended period of celebration, vacation, shopping, eating and, well, just different. Many businesses just shut down completely. Others are understaffed and on short hours as work and people wind down for the year. Someone once said this period of the year would be the best to launch a surprise attack on America since its seems everyone, including many key government people, are on vacation.

So, for me, since I don't observe Christmas and New Year, and you can't just ignore completely the impact it has on culture, I have developed a routine during this week that helps me to profitably use the time. This is one of four periods of the year when I reassess my life, priorities, goals and plans. Decisions and plans are made for the next three months and then its back to work. I don't waste the time even though it is tempting to let down and relax too much. But this holiday period does give me some extra time for reflection.

Recently I noticed something from the life of Christ that made me think that maybe He used this same time of the year to further His work.

In John 10:22-24 we see where He was and what He did.

Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, "How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly."

Historians recognize this was the festival that Jews today call Hannukah—the festival that falls each year in late December. It is a stretch to say that Christ was "celebrating" Hannukah. Better to just read through His answer to the Jews and understand it for what it says.

He essentially told them He was the Son of God, and since they did not believe Him they were not His sheep. They accused Him of blasphemy and tried to stone Him. He escaped but not without challenging them to examine the work He did and make a logical deduction. They couldn't. So therefore they rejected Him.

So what should we do between Christmas and New Years? Really, what should we be doing all year long? The answers is simple. We should be doing what Jesus did during His human life and what He is doing today—His Father's work! We should put first in priority the work God is doing today and continually give ourselves a check to make sure we are aligned with His purpose for our life. We should be doing what Jesus is doing today.

If you don't know what that is the best starting point can be our booklet, Why Were You Born? Read it online while you have some time off this weekend and challenge yourself to find God's purpose for your life. It would be the best use of your time now and every week of the year.

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  • marzuhpan
    Ebon43 totally understand. I went through many years of frustration and anger towards God for showing me these truths! I was encouraged by a dear friend no matter what talk to God about because He is our friend in addition to everything else. I encourage you to do the same. You will find your way through it. I have lost potential husbands, family, close friends of many many years, and clients. It is still a source of frustration and disappointment to my inlaws (found the perfect man for me) but I decided to land on this foundational truth...I can only ask for the respect of freedom of choice as to how I love and worship and obey my God...the same respect that I give to others. I deserve to be respected because I love God and as much of a sinner I am, I am a giving person and loving and caring and do my best to live as pure as possible. If that isnt good enough for others who believe they have corner on the market of Gods truths well then its their loss. No matter what I do my best to go to God with it all and in a lot of respects my newer or different beliefs (going on 15 years now) things have calmed down, not so inflamed for me internally. I have fond memories of cmas and January new year and hold onto them in my heart even though I do not celebrate them and have replaced them with more significant yet simpler celebrations (the 7 holy days of scripture) that mean so much. You will find your way. Maybe check out theplaintruth.com for some great support. Live YOUR life by what God says, not man...take a deep breath, be still, be quiet and let Gods truth fill you up! Best to you.
  • Lena VanAusdle

    @Joe.mejit keju
    I am sorry that this knowledge makes you so sad. It may be a coincidence that you found this information, or it could be that God is calling you to a greater understanding of who He is and what He expects of you! Changing how you have celebrated or lived your life until this point will be difficult, but if you allow God to help you, He will add so much more than you will ever lose. God is gracious, loving, generous and kind, and He wants you to be in His family. I hope that you will continue to study as God draws you to Him.

  • Ebon43aelonin

    I am really sad 'cause I found the truth about these holidays. I am going to miss them a lot and stop observing them is very difficult to resist. I wish I never come across the UCG. Did God showed me the way and truth or is it just a coincident. I am fearful for not doing the right thing. thanks you God!

  • the simplistic1

    From my own philosophical point of view, I have always felt sad during the holidays because I am aware that many people from all over the world suffer from all types of tragic events and misfortune to which loved ones are lost in the happenstances of life.

    It is during these times that I realize that the holidays are mostly celebrated by those who are more fortunate than others.

    I recently watched a story of a young man named Ben Breedlove who died on Christmas night at the young age of 18 from a dangerous heart condition. It was at that moment that the irony of it all hit me like a ton of bricks. Their joyful celebration turned to tragedy in the blink of an eye as they suffered the loss of their loved one. It was at that moment that served as a reminder how I should appreciate every waking moment, "the fragile gift of life".

    So for myself I understand why Christ never celebrated birthdays or endorsed holidays, to which I'm truly thankful. For me his purpose was for something far greater. To sustain eternal life.

  • dust_i_am

    Sounds like I won't hear any video clips here wishing me "happy new year" - a change from a couple of years ago.

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