Where Were You On 9/11?

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Where Were You On 9/11?

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Where were you on 9/11 when America was attacked by terrorists? What ran through your mind as you watched the unfolding tragedy?

Every generation has its defining moments. For the World War II generation, it was the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. For another it was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.  In our present time it was the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington that plunged the nation into a global war on terror. Nearly every adult remembers where they were when they heard the electrifying news of the attacks. 9/11 has defined more than a decade of American experience. Every year on its anniversary memorials are conducted, the dead are remembered and the country takes note of what that event has meant.

This week will mark the tenth anniversary and for several days the media has been running commemoratives of the event.

I well remember the day. Like millions of others I could not believe what I saw on the television screen. The collapse of the twin towers of The World Trade Center.  The gaping hole left in the walls of the Pentagon in Washington. And the remains of United Flight 93 in the Pennsylvania field where it crashed—a moving testimony to the brave passengers who prevented the terrorists from killing more innocent people. It was a surreal day that defied belief even as I watched it unfold.

In the aftermath, most of the world came together for one brief shining moment. World leaders pledged their support to track down and find the leaders of the attack. Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, was among the first to call President Bush.

Americans from across the nation rallied to New York with support ranging from condolences and prayers to technical support to comb the wreckage of the Trade Center looking for any survivors. New York has not often been a target of sympathy–but on that day its citizens were embraced by all Americans.

On the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, Senators and Congressmen stood that night and sang together “God Bless America.”  On that day partisan politics took a back seat to the suffering of the nation.

A few days after the attack a prayer service was held in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.  The nation’s leadership, both political and military, prayed and sang in remembrance.  You could see on the faces of the soldiers the plans for the attacks that would come on the enemy. Prayers were offered by every major denomination—including Islam.

I watched the service on television. I listened carefully. I was looking for something very important, what I knew would be the real key to the whole national drama we were experiencing. I listened to hear a call to repentance. A clear call for the nation to admit its shortcomings—its moral, ethical and spiritual sins. I listened for a defining call to turn, to use this national calamity as a wake up call and cry out to the God of Abraham for forgiveness. I listened for a call for righteousness to run down “like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24).

I listened, but it did not come.  There were words of comfort but no clear clarion call for repentance. Only one religious leader used the word and called for a changing of our ways. But it was only a passing reference—nothing more.

Here was a moment in history—an opportunity for a people to fall on their knees to the God of heaven and seek His divine guidance and deliverance.  But it did not happen.  Oh, there was a brief resurgence of religious observance. Church attendance went up in the weeks following 9/11. But it just as quickly went back to the same historically-low levels as before the event–and has continued about the same to this day.

We did not learn the lesson God wants us to learn from this event.  The singular lesson is repentance–a turning from habits and and ways of life that have led to the large problems facing the United States.

This week will see a lot of looking back at this horrendous event. But it is time for the country to look forward. Lessons can be learned and future catastrophe averted. But it is up to you to act. We'll discuss this further this week.

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  • Just Me

    I worked in a Veteran's hospital in Maine and was getting ready for work that day when the phone rang. I picked it up and heard my oldest son in tears asking me if I had the tv on. I said no but did turn it on.

    I was devistated to see the first tower after it was hit. As I was on the phone I saw the second tower get hit. I froze and had tears in my eyes.

    My son who is an 11 year Veteran of the US Air Force was crying so hard into the phone. I found out a few days later that he went down to NY to volunteer at Ground Zero. He said he was stunned to see this tragedy up close. He still get's tears in his eyes when he talks about it.

    I got to work that day and saw everyone in the hospital just as dazed and hurt as I was. I saw Veterans crying their hearts out and I fought to hold my tears back.

    May all of the fallen rest in peace forever. May God bless them with his goodness, his grace and his love for ever.

    Such a tragedy. So many innocent people who perished.

  • elaine.stewart56

    once again i know it hurt every one ,and i am sorry it ever happened ,i put my self and the whole world in JESUS hands GOD BLESS US ALL .

  • elaine.stewart56


  • davis4ChristJesus

    We watched events developing from our home in England as the news unfolded to reveal this mass murder.

    But even after ten years the truth has still not been revealed.

    Questions still remain unanswered!

    Families and friends of those murdered still have not been told the truth.

    The lack of faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ does not surprise us, for we are told that although God does not want any to perish; Yet they will because of their unbelief and rejection of The only true God, our Creator, Maker and sustainer of Heaven and Earth.
    They are steadfast in their sin, and so are unrepentant of all their transgressions.

    Judgment will come, but it will be Gods judgment upon all men and only those who truly know Him with their whole heart shall be saved.

    We thank God for our ability to question mans concept of right and wrong, because in most 'if not all' cases it does not stand close to Gods meaning, nor intent of right and wrong.

    Conspiracy theories are rampant around the world with regards what actually happened on September 11th 2001. But there is no doubt in ours hearts that there is a much clearer perspective to be seen from this than what the US government would want any to know, or even the media would interpret.
    For if truth was revealed tomorrow, so many would not believe what actually happened,(even more relevant what is still happening) nor be able to comprehend the depths that man (has gone to) will go to, to acquire standing in mans eyes, and also to gain power and wealth here and now. But all is being done under the heading "For mankind"or "For the people". If you truly know The Bible and the revealed word of God in your heart, you know that this is not the truth.
    No, we have all turned away from mankind, for if we were for mankind there would be no wars, nor rumors of wars, but we have done and are continuing to war amongst ourselves and so with ALL. (as The Bible states.)

    Come Lord Jesus, come quickly.

  • Lady_Saint

    I was still in bed that morning and awake. I noticed that the television news channel volume was louder than usual, so I figured that something had just happened. I got up and went downstairs and my mom was watching. She told me that 2 commercial planes had crashed into each of the Twin Towers in New York. By then everyone knew is was a terrorist attack. The first tower had already fallen. It didn't register with me at first. It looked like a movie playing. I went to the kitchen for just a few minutes and when I returned to the TV, the second tower had fallen. I didn't see it happen, but at that moment it hit me that it was real! My mom called my sister on the phone and asked her if she had heard what had happened and she said she too was watching it on her television. I was so scared that more planes were going to hit other landmarks, like our Sears Tower in Chicago, IL! My niece was a freshman in college then and she called my sister to tell her that they were being evacuated and sent home, my sister came to pick me up to drive with her to pick my niece up. While we were on our way back to her house, my niece said that everyone was worried and kept looking at the Sears Tower. It could be seen from the college. My nephew was in the 8th grade and his school was also evacuated. All day as the events unfolded live, we were glued to our televisions with sunken hearts. We realized that we were suddenly thrust into war with the terrorists! I was 42 then, my sister was 43, my niece was 18 and my nephew was 13.

  • tazzy

    I was in that Building on 9/10/11 where that plane Crashed into. I was saying goood to my Friends was going to visit my other Friends down south we grew up with since 1st Grade and into Hight school. We all lived Next Door to each other. Was on the George Washington Bridge when I saw what had happend.Turned around and went back but could not get any closer.so I lost my best Friends that day. But the way I see it the lord was with me that day Protecting me.

  • Darris McNeely

    I would like to see that Pic. Have a link?

  • tmovboy

    I live less than 2 miles away from the WTC in Times Square and went down to see if I could help on that horrible day... I know God protected me and my brother as those planes could have easily missed the towers and ended up crashing into our apartment building... A Pic of where I stood on that day is on my profile page...

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