Who Needs Halloween? History is Full of Real Life Horrors

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Who Needs Halloween? History is Full of Real Life Horrors

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The real world is frightening enough without the manufactured “horror” of Halloween.

A movie is being released next month that tells a little known story from World War II (how many more must there be?). On July 10, 1941 half the people in a small village killed the other half. The half who were killed were Jews. The other half were Catholics. 1600 Jews were killed in one night of real horror. The story was told in a book called Neighbors published in 2001. Now a movie, Aftermath, is coming out November 1 and will expose the truth of not only what happened but the cover up that has gone on for decades. Such a cover up is in itself an unspeakable horror. You can read about the controversy behind the movie here.

Anti-semitism is still alive and well in Europe. You may have to search a bit to find stories on the subject but it’s there. Of course there is the larger threats from the ruling religious elite in Iran.

Halloween is coming up tomorrow night. I am still amazed at the empty reasoning people use to justify engaging with works of darkness on a night that is patently reserved on the calendar for dead souls. I understand modern “pagans” doing this. But to see churches across the land sponsor haunted houses and “fright nights” is chilling. They call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).

The apostle Paul wrote the Ephesians to “Walk as children of light…and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:8-11). That’s solid advice and instruction now. If you want to understand the real horror of this world then look no further than history—it is really scary.

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