Why are we here? A tough question with a surprising answer

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Why are we here? A tough question with a surprising answer

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Have you ever wondered if there is any special meaning to your existence?  I'm asking you personally, not in a general way for all mankind.  Are you and I just part of the random chronology of the human race? Is our fate that we are born to live and die and never to be remembered?  Or, is there more?

And if there is more, what is it?  Many competing explanations exist and they can't all be true. 

Let me share with you how I answered that question with lasting, even exciting, satisfaction. About 50 years ago, as a teenager, in my private thoughts wondered about life and started thinking that the day would come when I would no longer exist.  That I knew for sure.  But, what about after death?  I wanted to know and I was willing to seek the truth. The church that I attended at the time taught a nebulous hereafter that didn't appeal to me, nor did it ring true.  Their teachings created many questions about lost relationships for all eternity and an uncertain role and composition about what I might be like or might be doing. I wanted real answers. Perhaps you have felt this way yourself.

Shortly after those musings, I heard the question "Why were YOU born?"  I was intrigued.  Could there possibly be a purpose in my--yes, my--own life?  If there was a greater purpose, whose purpose was it?  Then, it dawned on me that I must inquire further to understand more. 

And, I did. 

The things that man wrote or taught were confusing. So I consulted and was shown things from an eternal manual, not from someone's imagination or speculation. These words changed my outlook and life to this very day.  I found real meaning, and I found it in an unexpected place: the Holy Bible.  Understanding that my existence has meaning has become the foundation for how I treat others and relate to a living God who really does care for me and shows me that there is specific, real and Divine interest in my life, just like there is in yours. 

I read biblical passages such as Matthew 10:30-31 that stated: "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.  Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

Could this be? Does the Almighty God actually know about me personally to that depth, even to the point of knowing how many hairs I have? Have you ever wondered that? That depth of knowledge requires a special interest and that is what is promised by this scripture.  As I read further in the Bible, I marveled that I indeed have special value to God.  

But, just coming to this realization was only a start!   I knew that God was not saying things just to placate me.   I was the object of His interest such as I look on my children and grandchildren with great interest. 

Walking through this very important door of understanding God's interest in me made me walk into a new life of a living relationship that I cherish to this very day.  It's a relationship that has preserved me through all the weather-beaten happenings of life.  It has become a spiritual bedrock that drives my life and all living for me.

I invite you to discover for yourself what I did: Life has a distinct and wonderful purpose.   Once you know and accept that, there is a rush of joy that cannot be explained unless experienced.

Next week I want to talk with you about your individuality and how that's worthwhile to God. Sign up for the Good News email to get this in your inbox next week!

What is Your Destiny?In the meantime, I hope you can open the current Good News magazine and read the article "What Did God Plan Before Time Began."  Further, as you consider the answer to one of life's greatest questions,  I invite you to read our Bible study aid What is Your Destiny? The content of this short brochure actually started answering my questions from decades ago that today has served as  both my life rudder and spiritual anchor.  After you've read it, I would welcome your thoughts and what you've experienced personally as you started this search.

Until next time, may the God who loves you and me personally be with you as you seek the true meaning of your existence.

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  • Eric V. Snow
    "What is the meaning of life?" Most people with a fundamentally secular outlook regard the asking of this question as a giant cosmic joke. They assume life has no meaning or purpose. But the Bible makes it clear that God has a purpose for our lives. And we can know that the Bible is really inspired by God through its record of fulfilled prophecy and its historical accuracy in sections that can be checked. So then, we all have a basic problem, which I like to call our "existential dilemma." That is, we all know that we're alive, but that we're going to die. So then, what are we going to do about it? Is there any way to live forever, so we can escape from the blackness of darkness of the grave forever? Well, God is in the process of making beings like Himself who have 100% righteousness and 100% free will. They need to have these same two attributes to the same extent that God Himself has. God can't make holy righteous character, or the actual habits of obedience (i.e., "sanctification"), by fiat or arbitrary direct command. So then we have to develop righteousness in cooperation with God's Holy Spirit as we obey God's law, the guide to obeying God's will. God isn't interested in creating a bunch of robots who are automatically going to obey God's law. Such would-be robots don't have free will. In the case of free moral agency, the entity or individual with it has to choose separately from God to exercise it in obedience to His commands. The general schema also helps to explain the problem of evil, or why a good, almighty, all-knowing God allows evil into His creation. We human beings are given free will, but we have to be given the freedom to choose wrongly also, not just correctly, if it is to be considered "freedom." Interestingly enough, the prize of being given such a high status, of becoming a member of God's own Family, is so great that it outweighs all the pain and trouble we may experience during this life. Therefore, the correct answer to why we are here relates very closely to why God allows evil as well.
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