Why Would Syria Use Chemical Weapons Now?

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Why Would Syria Use Chemical Weapons Now?

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Last week, news reports broke that the regime of Syria's president Bashar al Assad apparently used chemical weaponsin a massacre of civilians on a scale not yet seen in that country's two-year-long civil war. A year ago, U.S. president Obama drew a red line, stating that if Syria used them, America would recalculate its plans for dealing with the violent government crack-down on rebels attempting to overthrow the regime. Up to then, and to this day, he hasn't made any moves to intervene. The international community has likewise kept its distance.

Puzzlingly, the attack came at a time when United Nations weapons inspectors had been invited into the country. Those inspectors now on the ground will be reviewing the scene of the attack and if it confirms chemical weapons were used by the Assad regime, global support for stronger action will be almost unanimous. We'll find out what that stronger action looks like. Analysis of the situation exposes a precarious position—if America strikes, what's to stop Syria from retaliating by launching an attack on Israel? One of Syria's most loyal allies, Iran,has warned that an attack on Syriawould lead to such an attack. If Syria does that, Israel will undoubtedly hit back with a barrage of its own. At that point, not to be dramatic, we're looking at the possibility of World War III.

But it all begs the question of "Why?" Assuming Assad launched a chemical attack on his own citizens, why would he do so right at the moment weapons inspectors are arriving, and why now after more than two years of uprising? A New York Times pieceseeks to answer this question, and does a good job at explaining many possible reasons. Many of the reasons put forth in that piece could certainly be true and be factors.

But another explanation that I think could very well be a large part of all this turmoil is that there is a great struggle going on in the spirit realm. We know that the spirit realm, although unseen, is involved in human affairs—the story of Job, the angels of the churches in Revelation, the angels pouring out different events in the end time, etc. In another example and a fascinating passage of scripture, an angel appeared to Daniel the prophet and told him that he had been sent to see Daniel earlier, but was delayed for three weeks by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Daniel 10). He was unable to overcome the prince of Persia until one of the chief princes of God, Michael, came to his aid. Clearly the princes referred to are angels or fallen angels. With regard to the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece (verse 20), those are evidently spirit rulers over these empiresunder the chief of demons, Satan the Devil. Apparently, there are spirits who rule over different nations, and the spiritual battles between them manifest themselves physically in our realm.

The latest attacks on the people of Syria presumably by their own leader, Bashar al Assad, make no logical sense. But if we look at things through the lens that there are spiritual forces at work who perhaps are eager to see a spiral downward into massive global war, things begin to come into focus.

As always, we should be praying for God to speed the day of his coming while drawing closer to Him in our lives, perfecting our character as Christians. And that He will protect us in the times of danger ahead.

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  • Durango
    I have been giving donations to this church organization but if i keep seeing such uneven, misrepresentations of whats going on i will NOT continue financial supoort to promote such false information. Other Christians, while they may not have all biblical ttuths, are being persecuted and being KILLED inSyria by rebel forces that have been empowered by the current adminstration and the Israeli extremists producing fabricated information that HAS been disproven. Of all the sins that are the worst to commit , i believe any tacit acceptance or promotion of false statements that cause deaths is the worst of sins , and I would think according to the scriptures i qouted above demonstrates such. Any true Christianor person interested in truth CANNOT with a good conscience supoort or even entertain such false statements , The truth must be told regardless of who it offends
  • Durango
    You wrote : Just now have a chance to look at these comments! Thanks for taking the time to reply, Durango. I've got to point out that I really hedged my stance with qualifying words. Notice: "apparently used chemical weapons…" (paragraph 1) "if it confirms chemical weapons were used by the Assad regime…" (paragraph 2) "Assuming Assad launched a chemical attack on his own citizens…" (paragraph 3) Apparently. If. Assuming. It could be the rebels. Could be al qaida. Could be Assad. I don't really know. I like to hope that my government isn't wholesale making things up with ulterior motives, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm not naïve. But it wasn't my intent in writing this piece to lay blame at Assad's feet. My intent was only to point out that the spirit realm is involved in human affairs in ways we aren't typically aware of, and we can be sure that they're stirring things up in this situation, no matter who's responsible for the attack. I sure hope we are pulled back from the brink of a massive conflict. What youve written above is just another way of tacitly assuming an allegation is true or " may be" true . Is that in Ine with scripture ? Would you like for someone to do that to yiu personally in your life? You dont qoute objective sources , only sources that have their own personal motivations in govt without reservations to use WHITE PHOSPPORUS (an illegal chemical weapon) in Gaza - which is what Israel has done. Yet you do no atticle on that notwithstanding what God says through His prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 58 verse 1 "spare not......etc" Why is this when there is a mandate from God Himself to "spare not." all i see is an acceptance of this conduct which I dont believe is in line with scripture , especially when Chrostians are not supposed to be a respecter of persons. Jesus himself had to correct that segment of the Jewish population in power positions that tried to oppose His work and the principles of God in exchange for their warped tradition and selfish motivations. I believe there was a good reason He (Jesus) told the story of the Good Samaritan, yet i see the theme of this message is lost and falls on deaf ears. Syria has Christians in their country who are being persecuted, by the REBELS notice the line about Obama "drawing a red line " was taken almost word for word from Netanyahu's talking points, not accident
  • Durango
    I have to be honest though . If you discover evidence to the contraray accusing Assad , then that should be made known in an article. I provided a link about this with General Wesly Clark. And can provide Assocaited press article. A person, especially a Christian should have a conscience about repeating a lie, and also about pointing out that something ( a lie) being widely publicized by corprate owned news agencies is NOT true. Otherwise to join in on repeating it (the false statement) is akin to assisting and prmoting that lie. Which will cause countless deaths. A deliberate lie by government powers that causes death through war is insidiously evil and has no part in life of a Christian to repeat it or entertain its proliferation. I can get the associated press article that exposes the truth that the Rebels, who are primarily Al Queda, are the ones who used chemical weapons on Syrian civilians. And yes our government and the Israeli govt IS capable of such evil because they do not follow Jesus Christ at all. There have been many examples of this in the past. Not only are peoples lives at stake, including American soldiers, my brother is a former Marine, but also the reputation of a political leader being called a murderer using chemical weapons, when in fact he is NOT. This done ONLY to justify the evil that men do, men who have no conscience aboutthe Ives they destroy. You shouldmwatch the documentary DARK LEGACY , its on Netflix and on youtube
  • Durango
    Also want to apologize again for being so harsh. You have a difficult job and i appreciate what you do. Please correct me if i have misunderstood or missaplied these books or verses from the Bible Have a good weekend and restful and fruitful sabbath
  • Durango
    Thank you for your reply . Yes the spirit realm is involved . But Assad's govt has been protecting "christians" - since christian, jews and muslims have gotten along in that country.( Damascus has histotical significance in Christian history as the Bible shows, saint Paul spent time there as we all know, as well saint Paul spent time in Arabia according to the book of Galatians.) Its is the Rebels in Syria who have been blowing up churches and killing christians there NOT Assad. All those stories , i hate to say it, are propaganda. I hate to say this because no one likes to criticize Israel since we know scriptually that God will redeem them in the end. But before that time they will be doing things against God's ways that will lead them into captivity . Specifically it seems like to me they are behaving in an evil manner and unjustly killing and lying. Please correct me if I am wrong but isnt that what Isaiah chapters 58 and chapter 59 is about? In the very first verse of Isaiah 58 , doesnt it say "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy vpice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob thir sins." And Isaiah 59 verse 7 "their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood, their thoughts are the thoughts of iniquity, wasting and destruction are in their paths" I have to ask who are these verses refferring to ? It seems to fit whats going on now. And the i accidentally came across some verses in Ezekial 39 from a Bible study at your church. Ezekial 39 verses 23-29. I am not sure what time period this refers to so i asked a pastor at your church. But the verses talk about " and the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity....so they fell all by the sword." And verse 28 of Ezekial 39, as well as verse 26 Again i dont know about the time frame , so i have asked for guidance. And i completely understand that you dont want to think the US is involved in deceit , and lying, but forces of evil men have taken hold of US government for quite some time since JFK . But can you think of any better reason why God would be angry than the committing unjust killing, lying and deceit? Isaiah 59 verse 7 Moreover its not a stretch to believe that we would be involved in all this when we promote anti-family policies all over the world. The country has changed
  • Mitchell Moss
    Just now have a chance to look at these comments! Thanks for taking the time to reply, Durango. I've got to point out that I really hedged my stance with qualifying words. Notice: "apparently used chemical weapons…" (paragraph 1) "if it confirms chemical weapons were used by the Assad regime…" (paragraph 2) "Assuming Assad launched a chemical attack on his own citizens…" (paragraph 3) Apparently. If. Assuming. It could be the rebels. Could be al qaida. Could be Assad. I don't really know. I like to hope that my government isn't wholesale making things up with ulterior motives, but it's not outside the realm of possibility. I'm not naïve. But it wasn't my intent in writing this piece to lay blame at Assad's feet. My intent was only to point out that the spirit realm is involved in human affairs in ways we aren't typically aware of, and we can be sure that they're stirring things up in this situation, no matter who's responsible for the attack. I sure hope we are pulled back from the brink of a massive conflict.
  • Durango
    Im sorry for criticizing your article so harshly . Its a difficult situation to cover . All according to God's will. Please accept my apology
  • Durango
    Why do you cite sources such as the Israel Times. They have no axe to grind eh ? And the New York Times is not a relaible source since they have been also known ro fabrictae photos , albeit at time they have some actaul facts. Yet you fail to qoute the Associated Press; they have exposed that allegation against Assad as false, and moreover that the actual reponsible party for the chemical attacks are the Rebels( over 59% are Al Queda extremists) If you propose to follow Biblical Christianity the yiu should not promote false information that is nothing more than a false flag being used to invade Syria on a phony pretext. Same as the govt did in Iraq when they lied to the American public about WMD People will be dying as a result of LIES . Support of such lies or spreading such lies as truth is contrary to Jesus the Christ, Who said He is the way, the TRUTH and the Life. Can you really believe this is promoting the standard of Jesus Christ, or a man made standard that promotes war . Isaiah 59 : whole chapter discusses the transgressions of Israel, specifically which includes in verse 3 " your hands are defiled with BLOOD, and your fingers with iniquity, your lips have spoken LIES" that is referring to Israel, and seems very appropriate when viewed in the modern day context of the lies being used to go to immoral wars through LIES. And it goes on to say none calleh for justice. Isnt that what is going on now by giving tacit acceptance to these lies being soread which is resulting in unjust killing. Doesnt repeating such falsehoods contradict the Bible . How upsetting this is.
  • Durango
    Iif you only post propganda and not my comments that has proof then i lost confidence in this website to tell the truth
  • Durango
    Yes its logical, because its the west framing Assad creating a phony pretext to invade Syria so they can attack Iran, since Iran has a mutual defense agreement. You attack Syria , you then involve Iran . Tis was planned all the way back in 2006 , as the well respected General Wesley Clark had exposed in 2006 **Link removed to comply with comment policy** Thats proof
  • Durango
    You should not post wrong information, (propaganda) Christians are to be wise as serpents and tell the truth , not promote lies from warmongers whomhave no part with God . The allegation that Assad used chemical weapons was already proven to be a lie. The chemical weapons used were actually used by the "rebels" who are over 56 % composed of Al Queda , the same people whom they claim bew up the world Trade center. Isaiah 59: verse 3 , 4, 7, 8 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. (Isaiah 59:3 KJV . None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. (Isaiah 59:3, 4 KJV) Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. (Isaiah 59:7 KJV) The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. (Isaiah 59:8 KJV) Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness. (Isaiah 59:9 KJV) For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them; (Isaiah 59:12 KJV) AND In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. (Isaiah 59:13-15 KJV) THIS country is NOT following God, they are lying and are proobably leading us into captivity fbecause of the evil, murder and lies we are committng to engage in an unjust immoral , evil military action
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