WNP Seminar-Garden Grove, California

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WNP Seminar-Garden Grove, California

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Some of the WNP staff were in Garden Grove, California this weekend conducting another seminar for our readers. Melvin Rhodes, Robin Webber and myself (Darris McNeely) traveled to the warmer climes for this latest seminar. 190 members of the United Church  of God and 19 WNP/GN readers were in attendance.

Topics covered included "The 144,000 of Revelation" "Europe's Long Dream" and "Islam and Christianity:Clash of Civilizations". Once again we found our audience to be engaged and attentive to our topics.

Next month we'll be in Cincinnati, Ohio and in March we travel to Spokane, Washington. Topics will be announced in advance for those seminars. We should have some of the latest seminars up on our site soon.

Robin Webber presents a talk on the subject of Babylon.

Members enjoy conversation during a break in the seminar.

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