Good Bible Study Resources Available Online

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Good Bible Study Resources Available Online

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Almost every Bible student wishes he or she had more Bible versions, concordances, lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries and other Bible helps. These can give background information and added insights into the meaning of both familiar and hard-to-understand scriptures. But buying all these books can be expensive, and they can take up a lot of space.

Now, however, tons of such resources can be found on the Internet! We can be even more effective servants of our Almighty God if we also make use of the technology at our disposal.

Online Bibles and helps

You might want to check a scripture in various translations. You will be happy to hear that a number of Bible versions are available online through your Internet browser.

In English there is the Blue Letter Bible Web site (, and offers an online service that also serves non-English-speaking people at Another site with various Bible translations, Bibles in other languages and Bible helps is

Free downloadable Bible software

You also might benefit from visiting the e-Sword home page found at to find free Bible study software. The e-Sword project follows in the tradition of Johannes Gutenberg, who originally made the Scriptures widely available through the printing press. E-Sword offers you numerous dictionaries, commentaries and so on that you can download and access on your computer.

This software is highly useful for personal Bible studies. Scripture searches are performed much faster using a computer.

Bible Reading Program

Another great online Bible resource is the Good News Bible Reading Program ( You can join the program now in progress with daily readings and commentary in the Writings section of the Old Testament, currently in the book of Job. Or use the archives as a commentary for any of the Old Testament books already covered in the last three years.

Bible Study Course

The United Church of God also offers a 12-lesson Bible Study Course (, which can also be requested in printed form free by snail mail. Some of the subjects covered include:

* Why Did God Create Mankind?
* Why Does God Allow Suffering?
* Is There Hope for Human Survival?
* What Is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God?
* The Transforming Power of God’s Holy Spirit
* The Annual Festivals of God

Ambassador Bible Center classes

Ambassador Bible Center is an intensive seven-month program covering the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Now many of the classes can be heard through your computer! At you can find the following classes:

* Daniel and Revelation
* General Epistles
* The Pentateuch
* Harmony of the Gospels
* Early Church History and more

Subject searching and personal answers

You may also find it useful to search the Web site by subject to access its wealth of other biblical articles, booklets, sermons and other resources ( For example, this time of year many search for subjects like “crucifixion,” “resurrection” and “Passover.”

If you don’t find the answers you are looking for with a search, you are always welcome to submit a question by e-mail at The United Church of God personal correspondence team can help you find answers to your Bible and Christian living questions in our literature and with personal answers by e-mail. These dedicated ministers answer questions like:

* Why did Jesus keep a Passover the night before He died and institute new symbols? How often should we follow His example?
* How can you get three days and three nights from Good Friday to Easter Sunday sunrise?
* What does God want me to do?
* Why did Jesus Christ and the apostles keep the Jewish Sabbath, and where does the Bible command us to switch to Sunday?
* How can I overcome lust?
* How can I raise children who will want to be Christian?

We wish you a good study experience!

Henrik V. Blunck is from Denmark and Mike Bennett is from the United States.

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