The Gift That Keeps on Giving

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The Gift That Keeps on Giving

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Only our Father knows how many miracles He performs on a daily basis. He works miracles in our lives to deliver us from peril. Sometimes a miracle strengthens our faith. And, very often, a miracle is an answer to an impassioned prayer for help. Miracles can turn a life-threatening situation into a reason to celebrate God’s goodness and mercy.

The benefits of miracles are greater than an one-time event. A miracle is the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. Think about it. Miracles performed hundreds of years ago have been recorded in the Bible for our benefit. Peter was released from the chains of prison without the help of men. Daniel spent the night with lions whose mouths were closed by angels. Thrown into a blazing furnace, three young men walked unharmed.

The stories of supernatural deliverance pop into our minds when we need them most. The effect of miracles resembles the ripples in a pond after a rock is thrown in with a notable “Kerplunk!” The ripples continue to make circles until they reach the shore. Deliverance arrives through healings and the arms of an angel.

Personal miracles

How many people have been inspired by the miracles of Jesus? The book of Matthew explains how His touch healed Peter’s mother-in-law who was bedridden because of a high fever (Matthew 8:14-15). As soon as Jesus touched her, she climbed out of bed and cared for the people there.

This event reminds me of a healing in my own life. Joel was just a newborn 23 years ago. I was home caring for him one day when suddenly I became ill with a 104-degree fever. I experienced a burning pain in the right side of my lower abdomen. It was what they used to call “childbed fever.” All I could do was lie in bed and hold Joel close to me. Then, I realized my body heat was causing his to rise also.

When our minister arrived, I was delirious. I was sobbing. After he anointed me and prayed for my healing, I said, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). The minister then advised us to get to the hospital fast and left. Within fifteen minutes after being anointed, my fever and all pain disappeared. Truly it was the gift that keeps on giving as I look back on that wonderful healing. When I remember that day, it reminds me of God’s personal love and caring for me.

Riding his bike, he was struck from behind by a fast-moving car. The next thing Sam knew, he was being catapulted high up into the air.

I tell my son-in-law Sam that God must have special plans for him (as He truly does for us all!). Sam has benefited from divine intervention several times. One of the most dramatic occurred when Sam was a teen. Riding his bike, he was struck from behind by a fast-moving car. The next thing Sam knew, he was being catapulted high up into the air. He remembers doing back flips over and over before he started to fall to the ground. It all happened so quickly, but as he started to fall, Sam distinctly remembers feeling strong arms cradling him and lowering him gently to the ground. He landed softly and suffered only a few bruises. The driver later said he’d been driving at 70 miles per hour when he hit Sam. This powerful story can inspire us to continue in our Christian journey even though there are bumps along the way.

Not all miracles are quite as spectacular. Many miracles are quiet ones. Some, the unbelieving might call coincidences. I prefer to call them God-incidences. They are mini miracles that quietly say, “Yes, you are going on the right path.”

“I have blessed this undertaking”

On our first anniversary, Michael and I returned to where we had honeymooned in Saugatuck, Michigan. We were browsing in a quaint shop we had visited the year before. It was our anniversary day, June 28. We were looking for a gift for each other fitting to mark our first year. (May I back up for a minute to say that Aimee Zahora performed “Pachelbel’s Canon” as the processional at our wedding. For a couple of years, each time my sweet husband would hear the notes of that song, his eyes would moisten with tears.) Back at the gift store, as we were searching out the perfect keepsake, we were delighted to hear “Pachelbel’s Canon” begin to play in the store. He looked at me. I looked at him. The sound effects seemed just like a musical production on the silver screen!

Was it simply a coincidence that this music began after we entered this store on our anniversary? Well, maybe. We were convinced otherwise when Michael looked at his watch. To the minute, it was the same time Aimee had begun playing the music on the piano at our wedding a year ago. We know that was our Father’s way of saying, “I have blessed this undertaking.” Our family has been through a lot in the past five years. Sometimes it’s good to reach back and relive that musical moment God orchestrated for us.

Our loving Father does the same for little ones too. When Joel was six, he decided to become an entrepreneur. His age and limited resources didn’t phase him. His business? Recycling aluminum cans for a penny a piece. We’d walk the almost deserted, curving roads near our house in the country. Grape Creek Road was little used. You hardly ever saw a car. Two would be considered a traffic jam. But people did throw cans out the window from time to time. And I believe after walking miles and miles for days and days, Joel had earned about $2.

One Sabbath we decided to take a family walk. I explained that since this was his business, he should not be picking up cans on the Sabbath. I told Joel that God would bless him if he honored the Sabbath. Little did I know how closely God was listening. After about three quarters of a mile, we had branched off and were walking up a hill that would take you to Westville if you walked several miles. It was the nearest town of about 2,000 people. I noted that Joel was looking at cans along the road but not reaching for them. Suddenly, he jumped and yelled excitedly. There along the road in plain view lay a brand-new dollar bill. Upon closer inspection, we realized it was a $20 bill. No one will ever convince me this was just a coincidence. The $20 was long ago spent on childish whims. But the $20 miracle keeps on giving as a reminder to honor God’s Sabbath.

Not all miracles are quite as spectacular. Some, the unbelieving might call coincidences. I prefer to call them God-incidences.

Whether it’s a dramatic healing, the arms of an angel, music provided at just the right moment or money from heaven, I think the best part of a miracle is the lasting effect it has on everyone touched by the story. I have written of just a few of the miracles touching my family over the years. I am certain each of you has miracle memories you can recollect and retell. So dust those memories off and put them to use for the betterment of yourself and others. Supernatural blessings from God, miracles, truly are gifts that keep on giving.

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