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Virtual Christian Magazine

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We are excited about this new means of sharing our faith with you and the world as we launch Volume One, Issue One.

What is the mission of the Virtual Christian also referred to as VCM?

With each monthly issue we will share our Christian hope and encourage our readers. Emphasis will be articles with practical Christian living principles.

Our Mission Statement is: Virtual Christian Magazine, Hope and Encouragement for the Real World. An on-line magazine of practical Christian living and inspiration for the 21st Century.

We will share stories of how God dwells with and interacts with people. Accounts of faith's power, love's bond and hope's anchor will fill this magazine. Practical solutions to life's challenges will be discussed along with stories about how God has intervened, encouraged or helped us overcome. We hope to include as many first-person true-life stories as possible to inspire and motivate someone to overcome life's difficulties and offer suggestions about how to live a life centered around Jesus Christ.

Also, we want to hear about how people help one another and help others help themselves.

Subject matter will revolve around what's relevant in your life: family, children, marriage, values, strengths, weaknesses, spiritual gifts, relationships, friendships, health, sickness, depression, offence, death...

That's just a starter list.

We will talk about solving tough personal problems, and building satisfying relationships with family, friends and co-workers. We will be ready to laugh, but not afraid of tears.

Our objective with Virtual Christian Magazine is to:

Use the cyberworld to reach those inquiring about answers to life's biggest questions
Provide a destination for those searching the cyberworld for life's answers
Provide meaningful commentary on breaking news
Use new methods of one and two-way communication to more effectively achieve our objective

An advantage of an on-line magazine is that articles can be timely; they can immediately reflect quickly-developing events in the world while at the same deal with timeless human issues. Our authors will be open to interaction with readers via email. Articles dealing with specific problems will offer Internet links which guide readers to on-line resources for help and support. Suggestions from readers can be easily incorporated into articles already on-line.

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  • Sabrina Peabody

    Hi 2balite,

    To subscribe to receive hard copies, please use the Contact Form on the website. Go to "Contact" and then "Contact Form." You may want to include your mailing address.

  • 2balite

    Is this something we read on line or can we have the hard copy sent to us as well. Please put us on the mailing list as members of UCG.

  • 2balite

    WOW:)! Thank you for more spiritual food through this new magazine. We have submitted a true story for your review and hopefully publication.