Where's My Mate?

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Where's My Mate?

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All animals come in pairs. That is, in order for life to continue from generation to generation, there must be a male and a female. Birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammals—they all have this in common. There could simply be no second generation if a creature could not find a mate. What a dilemma this simple fact presents for evolution. Not only does the science of life demand male and female, but evolution would have been required to produce two perfectly matched, yet very different creatures of the same species—at the same time (or at least within an extremely short life span).

Looking for Mr. Moose

Let’s have a look at the moose, for one example. Moose take a few years to mature, and have a life span of roughly 20 years. Our female moose (or should we say moosette?) suddenly “evolves.” She has to have evolved with her reproductive system perfectly formed and functioning. Most of the year, this female moose is content to stand in a pond and munch down the succulent vegetation that luckily has also evolved—just in time. She does not care about a mate and could not be bothered to try and be attractive for “Mr. Moose.”

Once a year something strange happens. Her hormones (luckily these also evolved perfectly) begin to act up and she has the strongest urge to mate. She wanders about calling out in a low voice, “Where’s my mate?” A handsome male bighorn sheep comes wandering by—but he does not interest her at all. He’s looking for a mate too, but not just “any” mate. This female moose does not interest him either.

Our lone, freshly evolved female is looking for one and only one “fella.” Now it is true that for her “any fella” will do—just as long as he is a male moose. Where will she find a mate who has also just freshly evolved—and has all the right equipment? Not only does he have to have the right equipment—but also he has to know how to use that equipment. He also has to recognize the female and know she is ready for mating.

Alas, the chances of a fully developed male moose evolving are just as impossible as the evolving of the lone female.

Most of the year Mr. Moose wanders alone and could not care less about females. It is only during the same short portion of the year that this pair would (if she could find a he) make a twosome and then perhaps a threesome. Alas, the chances of a fully developed male moose evolving are just as impossible as the evolving of the lone female. Two impossibles do not add up to even one possible. So the mating season passes and she quits caring and quits looking until the same time next year. The next few years pass just as quickly and the short time she has left to wait for evolution to produce her mate has vanished. There is no second generation. No more moose and no more bighorn sheep—that is, if evolution is the way life develops.

Male and female

The fact that all species demand male and female of their kind for procreation demands the existence of a Creator. God must exist. Only God could have created male and female at the same time in proximity to one another, with a built-in set of response mechanisms that desire reproduction. That is the way God inspired the existence of male and female to come about in the first book of the Bible thousands of years ago (Genesis 1:27; 2:20; Matthew 19:4).

Yes, Ms. Moose, there is a God and, just for you, He has created the most handsome and perfect “he” that you have ever seen (not that looks matter for a moose). Our “he-ram” has also found a “she” and so it goes.

If we pay attention to the Bible, we’ll never be confused by evolution. God tells us He made them male and female at the same time. The Bible tells us God is the creator and giver of life (1 Peter 4:19; Genesis 2:7). The Bible tells us not to look to the wisdom of men to guide us. We can see the marvel of God’s design and work in the creation around us (Romans 1:18-20).

Animals don’t care, birds don’t care and fish don’t care. Only humans care. Only we humans ponder the wonders of life and where we came from. Humans are not built like the animals. The whole male-female relationship is far more complicated. We take about 20 years to mature where animals take no more than a couple of years. We mate for life and do not have the animal cycles of most creatures. We are driven by emotions and strong feelings, not just hormones. We are different! Only a human could ask, “Where is my mate?” And only God could respond with, “Give Me a minute!” That delightful story is found in Genesis 1 and 2.

“Made by God”

God wanted a spiritual relationship to develop when He designed and created humans. Animals, birds and fish had already been created. God took special care with humans. He had created a match for all others, but they didn’t care in an intellectual way. Adam cared just as soon as he saw Mr. and Mrs. Moose together. There is simply no other explanation that man could ever dream up that would exclude God. God is here—emphatically, continually and totally. He is involved with life! Our female moose would say “thank you” if she could. We humans try to find another explanation—no matter how foolish.

Paul was inspired by God to write some very profound words. In Romans 1 we read about the way God feels when He is rejected. Verse 18 states: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.”

What a silly thing to do in turning from God.

What a silly thing we do in turning from God. C.S. Lewis wrote: “A creature revolting against a Creator is revolting against the source of all its own powers—including even his power to revolt. It is like the scent of a flower trying to destroy the flower itself.” God has given us minds to think with and ability to concentrate and focus those thoughts. We need to build the right kind of character, however, or all our knowledge is useless.

Humans have also come under the strong sway and influence of God’s enemy. Satan hates the thought of humans seeking, finding and obeying God. He has set out to deceive mankind and has been successful. In fact, God is using Satan to teach us to love Him and hate evil. We will learn the lessons—though painfully.

One day our scientists will conclude that God does exist and that He is our Creator. Perhaps when the last strand of DNA is unwound, we will find a trademark: “Made by God.” In the meantime, let us enjoy the wonders of life and strive to use the powers God has given. He wants mankind to love, nurture and care for this world (Genesis 2:15).

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