Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Ezekiel

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Ezekiel's vision of cherubim and God's throne

Ezekiel called and commissioned as watchman

Mock siege against Jerusalem

A third to die by pestilence and famine, a third by the sword and a third scattered

Judgment on the mountains of Israel

The end has come

Pagan sunrise service in God's temple

Call for the wicked to be slain but those who mourn abominations spared

Glory of God departs from the temple with the cherubim

Leaders judged, Israel to be restored, glory moves east

Deportation portrayed, God's judgment not postponed

Prophecy against false prophets

Message to idolatrous elders, judgment on persistent unfaithfulness, wood of the vine

God's love for Jerusalem, the faithless wife, an everlasting covenant coming

Two eagles and the vine, transplanted twig

Everyone responsible for self, God is fair, he commands repentance that all would gain a new heart and spirit

Lamentation for the princes of Israel

Israel punished for idolatry and Sabbath breaking, future restoration, a fire in the forest of the South

Babylon as God's sword against Judah, three overturns of the Jewish crown, sword against the Ammonites

Sins of Israel and its leaders to be judged

Zedekiah rebels against Babylon, two harlot sisters, Oholah (Samaria) and Oholibah (Jerusalem), judged

Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem, parable of the cooking pot, Ezekiel's wife dies

Ezekiel's prophecies against the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines

Prophecy against Tyre

Lamentation for Tyre

Proclamation against the prince of Tyre, lamentation for the king of Tyre (Satan), prophecy against Sidon

Ezekiel's prophecy of Egypt to be laid waste and scattered for 40 years, never to be a great empire again

Babylon will plunder and destroy Egypt

Pharaoh's strength broken and to be completely broken, Egypt to be felled like the great tree Assyria

Lamentation for Pharaoh and Egypt, Egypt to follow other nations to the grave

The watchman's responsibility, God's way is fair

Exiles learn of Jerusalem's fall, those left in the Promised Land to be destroyed, the exiles entertained by Ezekiel, bad shepherds, God the true Shepherd will restore Israel

Prophecy against Mount Seir (Edom)

Israel will return to their land, the people will receive a new heart and spirit, and the land will become as Eden

The dry bones will live again, Israel and Judah will be one nation ruled by King David

Future invasion of Israel by Gog of Magog

Description of the millennial temple complex

Description of the millennial temple complex cont'd

Priests' chambers and holy area

God's glory to fill the millennial temple, altar consecrated

Only circumcised admitted, priestly ordinances

The holy district, offerings and feasts

Life-giving river and trees, borders of the Promised Land

Promised Land apportioned among the tribes