Do you believe in using the Heavenly Father's true name "Yahweh" and the Savior's true name "Yahshua the Messiah"?

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Do you believe in using the Heavenly Father's true name "Yahweh" and the Savior's true name "Yahshua the Messiah"?

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We do not believe God requires us to use only the terms Yahweh and Yahshua in reference to the Father and Jesus Christ, as if only these two terms spelled and pronounced exactly correctly constitute the only "true" names of God and Jesus Christ.The original text of the Bible contains not only Hebrew but also Greek, Aramaic and Chaldean. The references to God that are included are from those languages.

Even in the Hebrew it isn't possible to be precisely accurate, because the consonantal pronunciation (YHVH or YHWH) has been lost. Also, since the original Hebrew writings included no vowels, we don't really know the vowels that should go between the consonants or even whether the name has two or three syllables (for example, whether Yahweh, Yahuweh or Yehowah).

Furthermore, there are no ancient manuscripts of the New Testament that have Hebrew names for God in place of the Greek names.

Christ used the name for God that was commonly understood by His audience. It is reasonable to assume that the apostles in Acts 2 used commonly accepted terms as they spoke in different languages to those from various regions who were hearing the truth of Jesus Christ's role for the first time.

As to His own name, the Oxford Dictionary records that "Jesus" comes from the Latin Iesus, which comes from the Greek Iesous, which is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yehoshua or Yeshua (Joshua).

An important question to ask people who have expressed concern that Yahweh is the only name that we may use when addressing God is, "Why is He called by several names in the Bible?" Elohim, El, Yah, Eloah, Elyon, Shaddai, Adon, Adonai and Adonim are various Hebrew expressions for our Father.

Moreover, the question above presumes that the name Yahweh refers exclusively to God the Father. While this name in the Hebrew Old Testament could refer to the Father, it often referred not to the Father but to the One who would later be born as Jesus Christ (see John 1:1-3, 14; 1 Corinthians 10:4).

Studying about and meditating on all the names and descriptions of God that we have been given in the Bible helps us better grasp the awesome greatness, power and holiness of God—both Father and Son.

This study requires translating into our own languages. Following the logic that it is appropriate to use only Yahweh and Yahshua, it would be inappropriate to address our Maker as "Father" and our Messiah as "Savior." It is not sound reasoning to believe that God expects us to speak in our own languages (which He divided at Babel), yet when it comes to saying His name, we are supposed to say only Yahweh and Yahshua, even though we may be from America, French Guiana, Borneo or Togo.

If you would like to learn more about God, read our booklet Who Is God? You can read it online or request a personal copy by mail.

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  • Sirsilius

    There is a UCG near us here in San Antonio, Texas. Is it your standard practice to deny a specific request to be baptized in the name of Yahshua? Or are exceptions ever made?


  • Skip Miller

    Hello Sirsilius,
    I think the minister who would be the one to baptize you (the one who you have been counseling with) would be the one to ask.

  • sharonhildebrand86

    My sister is a Johova Witness. She wants me to call my Heavenly Father, my Creator, Johova Is that His name? She's dead set on that. Now I'm doing Bible research on this. And her being a JW.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Sharon,
    I can do no better than say Amen to Steven Britt.

  • Steven Britt

    The New Testament was written in Greek. The Greek word "Theos," which literally just means "God," is used to address and talk about God throughout the New Testament. This sets a very strong precedent for using a language's native word for the general term "God." It is not necessary to call God by any particular name, and the name "Jehovah" is known to be an incorrect pronunciation of the name given to Israel, which is "YHVH" - the exact pronunciation has been lost to history. Moreover, Jesus instructed the disciples to address God as "our Father" when He taught them how to pray in Matthew 6:9. If Jesus taught us to pray this way, there is little one can do to argue against addressing God as "Father," and whether we do so in Hebrew, Greek, English, or any other language is irrelevant.

    Even though "Jehovah" is a mispronunciation of God's name in Hebrew, that does not make it wrong to use it if that helps you feel more personally connected to God. For a detailed explanation of where the name "Jehovah" comes from, check out the following article:


    Skip, in Borneo or Togo, what would your name be? "Skip" or something else. My name would be "Robinson". So is your "reasoning" that the name Yahweh can be changed to any other name people in Borneo or Togo want to change it to, is it SOUND and honest reasoning? Is it "consistent with" the Bible. In particular, for example, is changing YHWH (which most if not all biblical scholars agree is Yahweh) to LORD consistent with Psalms 72:17-19 , with the name of Yahweh enduring forever? If not, should I believe human reasoning or the Bible. Should not the UCG teaching be based upon what is written in the Bible and not human reasoning? The average human would not agree to being called by any name the speaker chooses to use. I know that "I am Robinson" and not "Russell". Most people would give me enough respect to call me by my name "Robinson". Well, if a mere human can be given that much respect. Why not respect the Creator at least as much. In fact, some claim to actually worship the Creator. Anyway, I know you are NOT going to depart from UCG's organizational reasoning. And I am arguing with you. I accept that on this subject UCG will not teach the Truth.

  • Trick James

    Yes, My name 'Patrick' is my name no matter what language it is spoken in. To change it would disrespect me. Boy have you opened a can of worms for me as I have been thinking about this subject for some time. In fact that is what led me here to this page tonight while doing an internet search on the correct name of my creator God. Yes, words do matter and the previous post have shown in the scripture how important it is to our creator. I guess I have been naive about the concept of organizational reasoning. That being said it does make me wonder to what end or purpose UCG would be deny the correct name or spelling of Yahweh and Yahushua (or as close as we can get to it) What is the end game? What would the reasoning be to not to study and pray about the issue and act accordingly. Or is that what UCG leadership has done and that has led them to their official stance? Now I understand that a person should not cause division or factions within a body of believers. I also understand that I like to fellowship with like-minded believers and don't want to jeopardize that opportunity at this point. Me thinks this side of the kingdom there will not be a perfect church.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello brobinson (after 6 months)
    I got to thinking, Do I believe Rev 2: 17? I think I do.
    Someday my name will be changed to something else. Will that matter?
    If a "rose by any other name would smell as sweet" perhaps I and you (and Jesus and the Father) can be together and appreciate our differences (and similarities --- at that time) and not be so concerned about what is the phonetic breeze issuing from our well-made but severely limited brain function and human orifices when we wish to call to one another.
    I SINCERELY mean NO disrespect! Come visit me in San Diego.

  • Naturalbelievernotchristian

    Hmmm; @Brobinson, I totally agree with your statement. This is the problem we have today with modern pastors and teachings; their interpretation of scriptures of God is far away from God's interpretation or truly meaning of God's instructions to His creatures. You're absolutely right Sir, I don't know what they're being taught in Pastors' schools but it's totally something else.. Such alterations always makes us to conclude that Christianity is human traditions or religion since God the Father and God the Son are not Christians.. As the scriptures warn that no man should alter with scriptures and interpretations, most pastors are subject to these acts. It's natural to believe in God with or without Christianity standards and code of conducts thus God is natural and Christianity is depriving us that right to be natural believers to God Almighty. Hebrew names are true names of God and the Son of God, I have an African name and if anyone calls with an American name which I know nothing about? will I respond? I doubt not.. Romans 8 vs 19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. The biblical scriptures are natural laws which can't be


    Skip, you asked me what faults I had with the article. Several: 1. "Only". 2. Reasoning, 3. Use of dictionary to support "Jesus" name but no use of dictionary or other for "Yahweh., 4. And other issues. I do not want "personal reasoning" stead of Biblical truth either! For instance in the article, how many Bible verses were quoted?Not one. All I read was "personal reasoning". When I questioned My Pastor, I asked him about ACTUAL Bible verses like Exodus 20:7 and many others such as: "His name shall endure forever. His name shall be continued as long as the sun and men shall be blessed in him. All nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be Yahweh Elohim, the Elohim of Israel, who only does wonderous things. And blessed be his glourious name forever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory. (Psalms 72:17-19)". And that is not my "personal teaching" that is the Bible teaching. What I got from my Pastor and UCG, in general, was reasoning and organizational teaching. I thought that Biblical teaching ( the truth of Scriptures) would be more important to UCG and my Pastor than UCG's organizational teaching and human reasoning. I asked about verses. I got mostly reasons.


    Honestly, I think it all comes down to what is truth, the words of the Creator (not a name but a descriptive term) or the words of men claiming to represent him? Until about 2006 or 2007, I think I was totally ignorant of the fact that a Name for the Creator was actually given in the Hebrew language in the Bible but was arbitrarily replaced by English translators with "LORD". If I had known or read this before, I did not pay attention or it did not register as an issue. When I read about this in the NIV preface in 2006, my immediate reaction was, "This is wrong. Man does not have the authority to do this." I did some study at the time but it was not until about 3 years ago that I really took the knowledge to heart. Then I did an indepth study of many Bible verses and Books and read them including the Name. I paid attention to the scriptures and what was being stated. I meditated and prayed about it. I communicated with my UCG Pastor about it. I concluded that UCG was wrong. I was asked to leave the UCG fellowship. If UCG's is correct (many names, meanings, etc), why would I be asked to leave? UCG is biased AGAINST the name of Yahweh, "the most sigificant name". Why?

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Brobinson0530,
    Which parts in particular did you find fault with in the article?

    Second, the UCG Pastor did not ask you to leave because of any of your beliefs.
    He does not read minds; people can think whatever they choose to think. BUT
    if they Fellowship with us then they must respect that we do not allow others
    to come into our services and begin to teach their own strongly felt personal beliefs,
    if those beliefs contradict ours. Does this not make good, reasonable sense?
    If you wish to discuss your ideas, there are forums for this but God hates division.
    We do not need arguments over names before or after or in Services!


    Well, I was not attempting to teach or teaching others anything. And I was not arguing with others before or after services. I was speaking to and questioning the Pastor (in meetings and email messages and phone calls) and one of the Preaching Elders (after services because he lived in a different City) about Biblical verses. And I thought these people would be the correct ones to question. I was seeking truth. And yes, I was requesting Real Biblical Answers not biased opinions based upon human reasoning and organizational teachings. And yes, I was told that I should not use the Name Yahweh at services and I was not to mention my beliefs about the name to others. Later, I was told not to attend the sabbath sevices and the Feast services. Reading my mind was not necessary for I clearly expressed my views to the Pastor. And what I expressed was that it made more sense to me to use Yahweh every place that the Bible uses YHWH rather than to use LORD. And that I preferred to Speak, Read and Hear Yahweh rather than LORD and God because it was in agreement with scriptures per biblical scholars. I did not say that anyone else needed to do the same. UCG opposes use of "Yahweh".


    Well, I was not attempting to teach or teaching others anything. And I was not arguing with others before or after services. I was speaking to and questioning the Pastor (in meetings and email messages and phone calls) and one of the Preaching Elders (after services because he lived in a different City) about Biblical verses. And I thought these people would be the correct ones to question. I was seeking truth. And yes, I was requesting Real Biblical Answers not biased opinions based upon human reasoning and organizational teachings. And yes, I was told that I should not use the Name Yahweh at services and I was not to mention my beliefs about the name to others. Later, I was told not to attend the sabbath sevices and the Feast services. Reading my mind was not necessary for I clearly expressed my views to the Pastor. And what I expressed was that it made more sense to me to use Yahweh every place that the Bible uses YHWH rather than to use LORD. And that I preferred to Speak, Read and Hear Yahweh rather than LORD and God because it was in agreement with scriptures per biblical scholars. I did not say that anyone else needed to do the same. UCG opposes use of "Yahweh".


    Sabrina, Rudy and UCG, based upon your logic and supposed knowledge of what, the one True Mighty One (Yahweh), knows concerning "your heart" and your meaning and the commonly understood words for God based upon your geography and culture, if you are in Iraq today and you worship and call on the name of Allah, dies the true "GOD" understand the sincerity of your heart understand and know that you are really calljng on and worshipping Him? And if so, is it at all possible ty o worship a false "GOD". Indeed, are there any false gods at all if any name and title that anyone uses in any language and culture is really a good and acceptable name for the One True Yah. Do you really believe the nonsense that results from your well packaged logic? To me it is so much simpler and honest to just read The Bible and believe what in actually written. I do not read anything like, "Just call me any n a me that you like based upon you history, culture, location, logic, thoughts, etc. and I will read your heart and know that you are referring to me, the any name you want to fill in the blank being because Any Name or Title you want to use for me is just fine. My name given 6800+ times. Why?

  • Hanock

    Hello everyone, this question, of whether a name is to be upheld,remembered and pronounced in its original tongue has been one that's haunted me for a long time up until recently. I realized all you have to do is look at the reality we live inn and ask yourself the same question, look at how our history is only history because of names, think of what names provide for us like privacy,Intimacy,personalization,uniqueness and my favorite separation, ask yourself what would man have to gain by taking out names from the bible and replacing them with titles?, then ask why would our CREATOR make them keep one passage in there that tells you what his name is, and how praise will be sung in heaven to him. Psalms 68:4 "sing unto GOD, sing praises to his name: exalt him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him". This is the kjv other bibles have it too but some have even taken out "JAH" which is actually "YAH" because the letter J wasn't invented until after the 1700s. So there is big proof, don't ask man ask the SOURCE of all creation our CREATOR. Rev19:1 show how all in heaven say halleluyah to sing praises look up why and what halleluyah really means. Love you

  • nathalie6dante


  • Skip Miller

    Hello Hanock,
    Several good, complete answers have been given.
    I suggest you read again those by Rudy and Sabrina (among others).
    But what is it that we wish to do, really?
    Is it not to give the Great God and His firstborn Son, glory?
    If you feel better, pronouncing words that have been translated into other
    languages -- if you feel compelled to do so -- then by all means do so.
    "Whatever is not from Faith is sin." (Romans 14 :23 last sentence ) and (James 1: 5-8)
    On the other hand, you might just put the same amount of effort into actually learning, understanding , and then doing some of the clear and simple requirements (of God's Law):
    You can ask us (UCG) to show you some and we will be happy to do so!

  • nathalie6dante

    When should we ask ourselves, how far must we alter the name of the Father? The word Jesus is a central figure for the Christians. Christians originate their religion in Israel. The promise land. We can infer that the Bible is talking mainly about the Hebrew-Israelite (the 12 tribes). The word god is nothing more than a title. It does not substitute for the name of the Father. Yes it is true that we must glorify His name by adding titles such as "Father Yahweh" and "The Almighty Father Yahweh." If we just call Him by a title, how is He supposed to know if we are calling on Him and not the Baals that He told us not to worship. He is an omnipotent almighty Elohim who want His children to seek Him, to call on Him, and only Him. If we truly want to learn and understand from the Father, then we must truly know Him as OUR Father. It is not a matter of making one feel better because we speak Hebrew, it is the matter in hand that we must know His true name. If we believe that there is only one Elohim, only one being, then we must also believe that there is only ONE name. And if we care enough to learn more about the teachings of the Father, then we must take it upon us to truly seek HIM.


    Questions : When it comes to the names of other gods mentioned, Zeus, Apollo, Tammuz, Baal, etc, are these the English Translations of those names?

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