How can someone plagued by debt trust the Bible and rely on God's promises, and why does God allow other people to disrupt the lives of those who are seeking Him? How can one develop faith under those circumstances and defeat the doubts?

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How can someone plagued by debt trust the Bible and rely on God's promises, and why does God allow other people to disrupt the lives of those who are seeking Him? How can one develop faith under those circumstances and defeat the doubts?

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We are concerned to learn of your problem with debt and that these difficulties are hindering your faith. It is a misconception that those trying to live by every word of God will experience lives free from trials. The truth is that "all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12) and "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him [or her] out of them all" (Psalm 34:19).

In Romans 8:16-17 the apostle Paul explains suffering for righteousness and the Kingdom of God's sake: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together" (King James Version, emphasis added). Trials are part of the process of inheriting everlasting life. (To understand more, download or request our free booklet Why Does God Allow Suffering?)

Our Creator can and will use the inevitable trials that afflict us all to develop in us godly qualities like patience and faith. True faith in God can take time to fully develop and deepen into an unshakable confidence in Him. Faith is an important subject in its own right. The publishers of The Good News also offer the free booklet You Can Have Living Faith to help readers understand this crucial subject.

Anyone combating a personal trial or sin may at times find it difficult to concentrate on God's promises. That is why we need His help in facing up to the difficulties of everyday life and battling our own natural inclinations (see Romans 7:14-25).

The true followers of Jesus Christ should understand that their approach to life is in many respects much different from others. Christians are told to acquire the mind of Christ in the way they live (Philippians 2:5). By contrast, the majority of humanity has no real interest in serving God.

This is often the root cause of our troubles from others. We're surrounded by a world largely oblivious to biblical values, and those who wish to obey God often find themselves swimming upstream against popular thinking.

But these obstacles should never deter us from our quest for everlasting life. God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us, so that on genuine repentance our sins could be forgiven. And God will help us live as He directs through the power of the Holy Spirit.

On the subject of money and debt, the Bible gives helpful principles:

• It warns against covetousness, which can lead to spending beyond one's means (Luke 12:15). The Tenth Commandment forbids coveting.

• It states that "he who is greedy for gain troubles his own house" (Proverbs 15:27).

• It cautions against borrowing (Proverbs 22:7).

Money worries can cause all kinds of stress-related illnesses and can lead to family breakdown. Being deep in debt has been known to drive people to drink, steal, take drugs or do even worse things.

Yet it is not always easy in modern society to avoid borrowing money. For instance, many university graduates have to gain their degree through enormous debt from student loans. Sometimes it can be difficult to avoid debt even with reasonably well-paid employment.

Still, within reason, God expects us to surmount and overcome these obstacles. He promises to help those who rely on Him. Of course, our Creator wants us to do our part by taking carefully reasoned, positive actions to help us toward a debt-free life. Consider a few suggestions below:

• Talk to reputable organizations that advise people in debt. Some may even be able to help negotiate payment plans with creditors.

• Be careful about taking out the much-advertised consolidation loans to pay off outstanding debts. It may be possible to repackage the debt into one single loan, but get competent advice on this—and not just from the finance company offering the loan.

• Work out a reasonable budget and stick to it. A simple budget would first list income from all sources and then identify how the household is going to spend that money. It should prioritize items so that outstanding debts can be repaid, while ensuring that reasonable needs are met.

• If you have family, involve them in the budget planning.

• Avoid using credit and store cards, which charge high rates of interest.

The publishers of The Good News offer two helpful booklets on the subject, Managing Your Finances and Making Life Work.

With our Creator's help and a willingness to overcome obstacles, we can walk with Him—and build the faith that all things will indeed work out for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

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