I feel so lonely and cut off from other teens. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only teenager on earth. Help!

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I feel so lonely and cut off from other teens. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only teenager on earth. Help!

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Loneliness is a common feeling among teens. The teen years are filled with many emotional ups and downs. But there are a number of ways you can replace loneliness with encouragement and friendship. Begin by asking God to help you. He listens to those who seek Him. He will find ways to encourage you. You could ask God to send more friends into your life, at church and at school. One principle that helps in this regard is to make yourself friendly to others (Proverbs 18:24). Say "hi" to others your own age and start conversations with them. You might be surprised to know how many other teens want someone to begin a conversation with them.

You can also attend the United Youth Camps in the summer and winter. Camp is one of the best places to make friendships with other teens who are also going through similar situations. Once camp is over, be sure to write other campers so you can continue your friendships. Local church services may also allow you to develop contacts with other teens. If your local congregation has few teens, perhaps you can begin e-mail correspondence with others. In addition, United has a special Web page that lists coming teen activities and resources at http://www.ucgyouth.org/.

Ask your parents if your family can travel to other congregations occasionally so the entire family can meet others. The Feast of Tabernacles is also a great time to meet others your own age. If you can, phone other teens from time to time to stay in touch. Almost every teen at one time or another feels lonely. People need people and teens need other teens. As a commercial for a telephone company put it, "Reach out and touch someone." If you actively seek friendships with other teens, you will feel less lonely and cut off from others.

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