Is it wrong and sin to talk to or "online date" with someone that is not a member of our church?

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Is it wrong and sin to talk to or "online date" with someone that is not a member of our church?

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Your specific question asks whether it is wrong to chat or "online date" with someone who is not a member of our church. While it is not wrong to "chat" with people via the Internet, such contact with others—particularly people we do not know—is usually not advisable. While we might get advice from a Web site on a particular subject, striking up blind "relationships" online can be very risky and ill-advised. There are just some things we cannot know about people and their intentions when all we do is read written text from them.

As for dating someone outside of the United Church of God, you should seek and follow the advice and direction of your parents. Fundamentally, the Church teaches that people should marry in the faith, and as such, their dating (when they are old enough to do so) should ideally be with other people of like-mind, spiritually.

Often, young people will get interested in someone of the opposite sex who does not share their religious beliefs and will claim "we're just friends." Yet, that is usually the first step to a more serious relationship. As such, we feel that the admonition and principle explained by the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:14 applies to this situation: "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?"

Of course, there is much more to the subject of dating that should be considered by a young person. If you'd like to read more about dating, an entire issue of Youth United focused on this important subject.

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  • Larry McCollum

    I just join so I am new to all of this. I have been out of Church for quite sometime. My name is Larry and I grew up in the World Wide Church of God many years ago. I have been to all different churches since then ost I felt uncomfortable in. Met some new friends but had to leave their church. I had started going to the Restored Church of God for a little while. Things didn't VB seem right so I left. I am searching for Gods Church now. I have no Church to attend at the present time. I read the two books that Mr. David Pack wrote. Annoint Your Eyes, and The Work Of God it's Final Chapter. Very thick books. Interesting. I am still searching for answers, and o read all sorts of things they say on the Internet about the United Church Of God,and some of the things that Mr Pack talks about the splinter churches. I remember the things people have said about the World Wide Church of God. So I am kind of use to some of that. I am ant to become of part of God's flock and unite in His glorious KINGDOM. I am struggling in trying to find the true Church at this time. I do get the magazine that the United Church Of God puts out. I would like to get some cd's if you the church offers them.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Larry,
    The short, to the point, answer given in the above article was clear & helpful.
    But if you would like to fellowship with those (you can see) and who see you
    then check our web site for a congregation close to you.
    Then call the Pastor (or the # listed) to let them know that you would like to come.
    I'm in San Diego but wherever you are, God's people would like to meet you!
    Skip Miller

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