Is it wrong to get drunk? Many times I have been at activities where teens my age are drinking. What does the Bible say about this?

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Is it wrong to get drunk? Many times I have been at activities where teens my age are drinking. What does the Bible say about this?

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Spurred on by commercial advertising and peer pressure, many young people today are abusing alcohol. Unfortunately, some parents are dismissing teenage drunkenness as a basically harmless activity. Parents who accept alcohol abuse in their teens often reason that alcohol is better than other drugs and thus see alcohol as only a minor problem. But teenage drinking is a serious concern on several biblical grounds, regardless of what misinformed parents may say or do.

First, we must understand that the Bible clearly says, "…Neither fornicators, nor…drunkards…will inherit the kingdom of God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Getting drunk is obviously a sin! Although God allows humans to drink alcohol in moderation and even includes its use in the Passover service, many people drink more than they should and thus, sin. When parents teach their own children to drink alcohol in moderation, this is acceptable with God and provides important instruction for youth.

Unfortunately, most teenage drinking is done without parental knowledge or consent. If parents instruct their children not to drink alcohol and teens drink anyway, they are dishonoring their parents and breaking the Fifth Commandment (Exodus 20:12).

Local laws against minors drinking in public represent still another biblical concept we must consider. God tells us to obey the governing authorities where we live (Romans 13:1-7). Violations of laws forbidding minors to drink are also sin.

Teens who honor and respect God will say, "No," to offers of alcohol when their parents tell them not to drink or when local laws forbid drinking by youth. These same teens—ones who honor God—may drink in moderation when it is legally permitted and their parents approve. Vertical Thought encourages you to be one of these kinds of teens.

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