Is it wrong to lie in order to save someone's life?

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Is it wrong to lie in order to save someone's life?

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This question is a challenging one for Christians. While the Ninth Commandment clearly tells us not to "bear false witness" (Exodus 20:16), we know it takes a great deal of faith to fully obey God under all circumstances. Thus, a person would have to make a decision based on his or her trust and faith in God at the time. No one can give another person permission to lie. Many justifications for "doing good" could result.

Let's consider the likelihood of someone having to lie to protect someone and note some scriptures showing us how God works in our lives.

First, we must understand that being forced to lie to save someone's life is a very unusual circumstance—one that doesn't normally happen in most people's lives. While this scenario can arise during war or when someone is committing a crime, it is not something most Christians will have to face. Why not? Because Jesus teaches us to pray that we will not be led into temptation (to sin, as in breaking His Commandments) and that we might be delivered from evil (Matthew 6:13). Jesus does not ask us to learn how to convincingly lie in order to deliver ourselves or someone else. If we truly love others, we will also pray for them and ask God's blessing and protection upon them as well. God, of course, is far more powerful than any soldier, army or criminal and is fully capable of protecting us and others without forcing us to break one of His Commandments.

Secondly, we need to realize that even though we will face problems and trials in our lives, God promises to deliver us. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 it says, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Additionally, the Bible is filled with scriptures showing that God is our Deliverer. Psalm 97:10, for example, says, "You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked." God loves us and wants us to learn to trust Him for protection. He also expects us to be wise and not unnecessarily place ourselves in harm's way. Furthermore, God wants us to hate evil (a broad concept that includes lying)—not look for ways to make it acceptable.

To gain a greater understanding of the Ninth Commandment, read the chapter titled, "Truth as a Way of Life," in our free booklet, The Ten Commandments.

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  • BillN

    I believe God takes people where they're at, imperfect as we are. We know when Jesus was on earth, he said things about sin: "If I had not done these miracles among you, then you would not be guilty of sin. But I have now done these works, you do not believe." If lying to save a life was what was in someone's heart, and they didn't know that it was always a sin to lie, then God would look at their heart. None of us is perfect. If you know not to lie, then you can't lie. If you were new to God and didn't know the tool of a lie was always a bad thing, then God will teach them. "To his own master he rises and falls, and rise he will, for the Lord is able to make him stand." So, in essence, quit judging your fellow Christian. God has us all in his hands, and knows exactly where we are at and how much further he has for each one of us to go. The key is that God perfects us, and he takes us as we are, with the knowledge we have. He holds us to account for what we know. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the manner and method He determines, and we will grow. We should not be the judgers. God examines the heart. And God works inside of us to make us closer to his perfection.

  • Salla

    In the Old Testament there are many saint people telling lies to save themselves or others, without any mentioning that they would have been sinning when doing this, so I think just lying is not necessarily a sin. I think in our days also we might easily get into same kind of situation when we need to protect somebody, and personally to me me it feels it would be irresponsible to tell all truth to an enemy for example in war. It's not only about us, but it's also about other people like our own children. In many modern countries for example child protection services very easily take children away from their families and give then to some non-christian people to be raised. Then these kids maybe never get to know Jesus. So would it be wise to give these children willingly to people, who want to destroy the christian raising of these kids? Maybe it could be dangerous for the eternity of these kids.

  • Sherrie_Giddens
    Many people use the story of Rahab at Jericho, to show that God honors a lie that saves the lives of others. In reality when you look at what God honored, he honored the fact that Rahab may not have known much about the Israelites and God, but she believed that He was God and she would rather be loyal to Him and His people, than to a city that would eventually fall at His hands.
  • allivina
    Remember the story of the ark of covenet? Nobody was aloud to touch it right? But one day it was falling into the water, and a man saw this and not not thinking he lifted it up. He instantly died. Also, during communism, Russians would get paid on telling on Christians. The bible states not to deny Christ, right? So many people were asked if they loved Jesus or believed in him, and they had to tell the truth and be killed because they didn't want to lie or deny Christ. So obviously yes it is not OK to lie whatsoever.
  • meshawna
    I would like to add that the lie is acenualy what led to death. So to lie to save anothers life would be the same as killing yourself. For christ said "any one who loves his mother, father,sister, brother or even their life,more than him would lose it." however he states also that because he had chosen freely to give his life ,for us , he could also take it back. So if we freely give our life to christ, following his commands, and loving him in faith even more than life its-self.We will be given our life back. For who ever belive in him shall not parish but will have eternal life.
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