Q&A: Jehovah or Yahweh Instead of God?

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Jehovah or Yahweh Instead of God?

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A. "Jehovah" is, according to Webster's Dictionary, "an erroneous rendering of the ineffable [inexpressible] name JHVH [or YHVH or YHWH] in the Hebrew scriptures." Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary adds:

"The divine name Yahweh is usually translated Lord in English versions of the Bible, because it became a practice in late Old Testament Judaism not to pronounce the sacred name YHWH, but to say instead 'my Lord' (Adonai)—a practice still used today in the synagogue. When the vowels of Adonai were attached to the consonants YHWH in the medieval period, the word Jehovah resulted. Today, many Christians use the word Yahweh, the more original pronunciation, not hesitating to name the divine name since Jesus taught believers to speak in a familiar way to God.

"The following are other names in honor of the Lord in the Old Testament that stem from the basic name of Yahweh:

"Jehovah-jireh—This name is translated as 'The-LORD-Will-Provide,' commemorating the provision of the ram in place of Isaac for Abraham's sacrifice (Gen:22:14).

"Jehovah-nissi—This name means 'The-LORD-Is-My-Banner,' in honor of God's defeat of the Amalekites (Ex. 17:15).

"Jehovah-shalom—This phrase means 'The-LORD-Is-Peace,' the name Gideon gave the altar which he built in Ophrah (Judg. 6:24).

"Jehovah-shammah—This phrase expresses the truth that 'The-LORD-Is-There,' referring to the city which the prophet Ezekiel saw in his vision (Ezek:48:35).

"Jehovah-tsebaoth—This name, translated 'The-LORD-of-hosts,' was used in the days of David and the prophets, witnessing to God the Savior who is surrounded by His hosts of heavenly power (1 Sam:1:3).

"Jehovah Elohe Israel—This name means 'LORD-God-of-Israel,' and it appears in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the Psalms. Other names similar to this are Netsah Israel, 'The Strength of Israel' (1 Sam:15:29); and Abir Yisrael 'The Mighty One of Israel' (Is. 1:24)" (1986, "God, names of").

YHVH is but one of many names used for God in the Old Testament; its exact meaning, like its exact pronunciation, has been lost. Many other names, reflective of God's character or attributes, are found in the Scriptures. All are appropriate. One important name is "Elohim," which conveys "the sense of the one supreme being who is the only true God" (ibid.).

Jesus Christ used the commonly understood name for God, as did all of the writers of the Bible. (The original text of the Bible contains not only Hebrew and Greek, but also Aramaic and Chaldean.) We follow that example in our publications and our church services, using the commonly understood names for God in our languages, as well as those that refer to His character and attributes.

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  • alexa.flybird@hotmail.com

    As someone new reading these comments, I see that the way we approach any subject regarding our Father in heaven and our Elder Brother, should be with a humble attitude. Doing our best to find the words as not to cause offense. I have much to work on myself. Peace

  • brobinson0530@aol.com

    Tyler, "IF..." did you see that word in my post. I come to the UCG site to read the UCG teaching on the subject. I am open for correction IF I can see that UCG is presenting REAL Biblical Answers to my questions on the subject. My "attitude" is one of "THE BIBLE is truth" If UCG claims to teach truth, then teach the BIBLE on this subject too. I read many verses about the name YHWH ("Yahweh" because based upon my study scholars, rabbis, dictionaries, Bible translators, UCG (including my former Pastor) and others say "Yahweh"). I do NOT read, speak or write Hebrew or Aramaic or Greek. Bible verses say the name is holy, to endure forever, to endure as long as the sun, is to be great among Gentiles, known throughout generations, is to be praised, is to be called on, is to be published, etc. Is this truth too? Are we to obey this too? Remember Sabbath! "Praise the name of Yahweh"! Well? Is Praising the name "Yahweh" same as Praising "The Lord"? Is "John" the same as"The MAN"? Not to me. MY desire is to OBEY and follow truth. I come in search of UCG presenting BIBLE truth. But I am not finding it here on the subject of Yahweh's name.
    I will stop seeking here!

  • brobinson0530@aol.com

    I am a seeker of Biblical truth. I am not very interested in human reasoning and logic. I know that we can not completely remove the human element because we are human. I was baptized into WCG in 1986. I began with UCG in 2004. I always believed that both WCG and UCG tried to follow Biblical Truth as closely as possible. I continued to believe that until I learned that YHWH was substituted by LORD by English Bible translators and I started to question UCG about it. Then I got answers that contradicted what I read in the Bible. Example, " the name YHWH was lost". How is the name to be lost and "endure forever and exist throughout all generations"? Do I believe UCG or the Bible. I was asked not to fellowship with UCG because I chose to believe what I read instead of what UCG teaches. In 2015, I was baptized in the name of Yahshua ( for in the Bible times people could not have been baptized in the name of Jesus ( a name that did not exist). I now fellowship with others who believe in doing as the Bible instruts in all areas, including praising and proclaiming the name of Yahweh as Moses, David etc. Scholars say "Yahweh" not LORD Is the name YHWH. Certain? No. O.K.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello again brobinson0530,
    Perhaps you are comfortable with (maybe even a little 'proud' of) addressing God or Jesus as YHWH or Yahshua. That is fine and I am not about to attempt to change your mind. But the articles cited above show that most of us don't believe that our Father in heaven or our Elder Brother Jesus, the Savior care that much about the language we use as long as it is properly respectful. I believe that They want sincerity and humility. And, just in case you might have thought i forgot, They also want obedience and our sincere LOVE.

    "What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet....."

  • tyler

    @brobinson When you say you are not interested in human reasoning, you mean other than your own. Because you mention your beliefs and your understanding of the scripture, and you use logic that christ never spoke greek even though he did have conversations with Romans who would likely have spoken to him in greek. You also claim that YHVH or YHWH is pronounced Yahweh, despite the historical loss of certainty of the pronunciation and lack of vowel, could be Jehovah, or YahVeh or something else entirely. You make all these and more assertions based on your reasoning, and you are immune to argument. You did not really come to this page to ask questions or seek knowledge, but to make accusation. You have not used scripture to establish your points only claims that you understand scripture better. I don't think you do, moreover I think your attitude is wrong. Why don't you consider why you are commenting here before coming back with your next repetition of the same claim that you know better than everyone else because your logic is God's logic, because you decided that it was.

  • brobinson0530@aol.com

    You write that "Jesus used the commonly understood name for God". If the NT is written in Greek and in the Greek the main word used for God is "Theos" ( English for the Greek) is it conclusive which word Yahshua used? Ehen he walked the earth as the Z MESSIAH OR CHRIST did he speak Greek some of the time, all of the time or none of the time? What is your belief? If he did not speak Greek during his earthly ministry, then he did not use "Theos" as a word for God. And since in the Greek Theos and a variant of it are the only words used for God, thr actual "Spoken" words could have been any words which were used for God including El, Eloah, Elohim, Yahweh, etc. In addition, if UCG teaches the "many names doctrine" any other word for God can be used inplace of "Theos" including Yah, Yahweh, El, Eloah, etc. This is because "Theos" is being translated from the Greek. Or are you suggesting that the actual word "God" was used by Jesus as the commonly understood word for "God" when he walked the earth? I would appreciate it if you will not use inconsistent logic and opinion to support your bias the the Name Yahweh is unimportant. If you are going to make a case quote the Bible.

  • Lena VanAusdle

    Hi BRobinson0530 I'm also a little confused about your problem with this post. First, the point if the article is to show that there are a number of "names" for God that are appropriate to use based on the Bible (all of the verses in the post). Further, those that wrote the Bible, wrote it in their native language. Therefore Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew words for God and Jesus Christ are used. Therefore, based on the BIBLE, it would be appropriate to use the English (or Spanish, or French, Greek, Hebrew, or Swahili) word for God or Jesus Christ.

  • brobinson0530@aol.com

    Let me help you understand:1. Jehovah and LORD were NOT actually used in either the Hebrew or Greek scriptures. 2. Therefore, to suggest or say that the Messiah (Yahshua) used Jehovah or LORD as a "commonly understood" name would be a LIE. 3. To suggest that a lie such as #2 above can justify using Jehovah or LORD or God as a name now is Stupid, to me. 4. If the Messiah did not speak Greek ( and he may have) then you can NOT say that he used "Theos" or the Greek equal. 5. Based on #4, you can not justify using God or Lord or Jehovah now because supposedly Yahshua used Theos. 6. For UCG to use such flawed reasoning to justify its beliefs is unacceptable to me. 7. If the Messiah did not use Theos, he may have used Yahweh or Yah, etc. 8. Clearly, YHWH, believed to be Yahweh, used over 6000 times. 9. So if you are going to argue for a name, use the Bible not faulty logic. 10. For instance, Quote a Bible verse that says, " I am the ANY NAME God because I have so Many names" or something like that. 11. Many verses says I am YHWH (Exodus 20). 12. "I have Many names"? "A number of names"? Which verses?Where?Not reasoning, but Bible verses! Quotes?Bible, truth? Understand????

  • Lena VanAusdle

    I won't address the points questioning my intelligence. #4; IF Christ spoke Greek; meaning you don't know if He did or did not; you have decided that He did not; could you show me where in the Bible it says that He did not? Point #12: Jesus Christ and the apostles used different terms for Jesus Christ (Lord of lords; King of kings; The Lamb of God; The Alpha and the Omega [both Greek words]). Are they His name or do they describe what He is? Does it matter? Let's talk about Bible verses in which the name Ἰησοῦς (Iésous or Jesus) is used in reference to Jesus Christ the Messiah. According to Strong's it is used 923 times (I'll let you look those verses up). In Matthew 13:13 Jesus says, "You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am." Did Jesus use Yahweh or Yeshua? He did not; the word Lord is the Greek word Kyrios. Did John misquote Jesus? Or did John use the translation of what Jesus said? Either Jesus used the Greek word for Lord, or John translated what Jesus said into Greek; regardless God's inspired word did not use Yahweh or Yeshua. Lastly in Acts 4:10-13 the apostles say that through no other name (Iésous or Jesus) can we be saved.

  • Skip Miller

    Our point was Jehovah or Yahweh?
    Christ spoke Aramaic, so say the scholars.

    Why exactly are you taking us to task for the article?
    Inconsistent logic? Come on! Get real!

    Skip Miller
    I (personally) think some people make a mountain out of a mole hill.

  • KARS

    From what I have been told over the years, Hebrew doesn't use vowels. That the Hebrews orginal language was lost when they were taken into captivity and learned the new languages of their captures. Just like any language; if you don't use it you lose it.

  • msdejong79

    Hello there,

    Interesting article, I did not know Jehovah became to be pronounced in that way because of the Adonai vowels.

    But it does seem to me that the 'nicknames' of God (YHWH Jireh, YHWH Nissi etc.) can not be equated to the tetragrammaton YHWH. They seem to refer to a characteristic of God, while the root always remains YHWH.

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