Question: Reading the publication How to Understand the Bible, I would like to know if the King James Version is the best version I can refer to. If not, which one is?

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Reading the publication How to Understand the Bible, I would like to know if the King James Version is the best version I can refer to. If not, which one is?

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In our publications we quote primarily from the New King James Version (NKJV) because of its overall accuracy and the fact that the wording used in this modern translation is up to date and easy to understand. The NKJV also remains faithful to the spirit of the original King James Version (also known as the Authorized Version) of 1611, a translation of unquestionable historic value that is still very popular and profitably read by millions to this day.

Other useful translations in modern English include the New International Version, the New Revised Standard Version, the Revised English Bible and the New American Standard Bible. But no translation is 100 percent correct. The "missing words" you refer to can occur in most any version. If feasible, it is very helpful to have more than one translation on hand to double-check any confusing passages.

You can find more helpful information in our reprint article Which Bible Translation Should I Use? We also invite our readers to request or download the free booklet the questioner mentioned, How to Understand the Bible. Information helpful for choosing a proper Bible translation appears on pages 12 through 14 of that publication.

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