What Does It Mean That Jesus Is a King?

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What Does It Mean That Jesus Is a King?

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What Does It Mean That Jesus Is a King?

MP3 Audio (4.63 MB)

Jesus’ says that He is a king in John 18:36-37. In that same statement He adds that His Kingdom is “not of this world.” Many people interpret Jesus’ words to mean His Kingdom is only spiritual in essence and that His rule is merely a rule over the heart and mind of those who accept Him.

However, Jesus' kingly rule is much more: it is both spiritual and physical. Yes, His followers and disciples submit themselves to His rule over their heart and mind in the present. Yet Scripture also tells us that in the future Jesus will reign as King over all the territory of earth and all the people who live there.

Jesus’ perfect, sinless life in the flesh was a demonstration of His suitability to assume the role of King over all humanity. He has been officially appointed to that role by God the Father. However, the appointed time for Him to take up His commission has not yet come. God has given humanity a fixed allotment of time to try to govern themselves. Once the clock runs out on the time humanity has been given, Jesus Christ will return to earth and set up the rule of God on earth.

Scripture does not provide the exact length of time mankind has been allotted to attempt to properly govern themselves (Acts 1:7; Matthew 24:36-44).

This coming turning point in human history is foretold in Revelation 19:11-16. In these verses Jesus is spoken of as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. At His return all human governments and authorities will come under the direct authority of Jesus Christ, who will be present on earth. He will be the supreme head over all human government.

As King, Jesus will serve as supreme judge, enforcer of laws, and a settler of disputes (Isaiah 2:2-4). The territory of His Kingdom will be the entire earth and all humanity will be His subjects. His purpose will be to perform the will of the Father on earth, and to represent the goals and values of God, who is in heaven. Those who have submitted themselves to Jesus in this present age will have an important role assisting Jesus in this next phase of God’s plan, which begins when Christ returns. The purpose of Christ’s rule as King of Kings is to restore all things back into a proper relationship with God.

This period of Christ’s rule on earth as King of Kings is spoken of as lasting 1,000 years (Revelation 20:4). Then when every thing on earth has become subject to the rule of God, Jesus will deliver the Kingdom back to the Father (1 Corinthians 15:23-28).

For more information on Jesus Christ’s coming rule on earth read or request the free Bible study aid, Christ's Reign on Earth: What It Will Be Like.

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