What is a United Church of God church service like?

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What is a United Church of God church service like?

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Thanks for your interest, and we hope you do have an opportunity to visit one of our congregations.

Our meetings begin with congregational singing, followed by a prayer. (Our congregational hymns are Psalms or biblical themes set to music.) After that, an elder or someone designated by the pastor gives a 10- to 12-minute message. More congregational singing follows, and after some announcements, often a choir or musicians present special music.

The main message lasts approximately one hour and is normally delivered by either the pastor or a designated elder. These messages provide guidance, encouragement and education to the membership, as well as help us worship God. The service ends with another congregational hymn and prayer.

For more information, please read our booklet This is the United Church of God.

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  • Reflector
    May 5, 2013 is a long way back: but to be frank with you, Satan needs to be kept in check. As one who many decades ago experienced many dark forces and beings from the other side, and was miraculously saved by Jesus (and the full story can never be told), Satan does not have to do too much as the flesh (mortal mind and heart) is quite capable of doing everything against God that it desires. Even the most pious Christian or saintly mother, child or teenager is not immune to human influences of the flesh that we try to battle against every day. Sometimes we win and sometimes we fail; and if your God is Jesus, you really know when you have failed and have to repent in sincerity. If you can, be brave and courageous and do not put Satan or his followers on a pedestal, he is already defeated and knows it all too well. Put Jesus on a pedestal in your mind and let the good Word of God rule in your heart. A.K.A read the bible and let it speak to you about God's Victory. Satan will disappear into the shadows where he belongs. He never had the power of God, nor possessed the power of God's Holy Spirit, he is just a weakling waiting for full destruction when the Lord God is ready. Praise the Lord. No not enough... Blessed be the Lord God Almighty and his precious Son Jesus, without whom none of this would be available to us or even possible. Live in the victory Christian, not in Satan's past efforts. They failed but Jesus did not. Cheers my friends. N'
  • Lena VanAusdle
    @buckrss Jesus Christ spoke of the devil as a powerful, conscious, real being. If we accept Jesus as real, as the Son of God—and the Bible as giving the truthful account of His ministry and teachings—we must also accept the devil as real. The writers of the four Gospels record instances in which Christ confronted Satan and his cohorts, the demons. The Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, show Satan to be the enemy of Christ, determined to thwart and undermine His work. Just before Jesus began His ministry, Satan tried, through temptation, to turn Him aside from His divine purpose (Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13). Failing at every turn, Satan was finally allowed to influence other human beings to execute Jesus (Luke 22:2-4; John 13:2, 27)—making Him, as the Messiah and our Savior, the atoning sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The apostle Peter, who experienced his own struggles with Satan (Matthew 16:21-23; Luke 22:31-32), warns us to be on guard against this powerful wicked spirit: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8, NIV, emphasis added throughout). Peter's sobering warning helps us to realize that the devil is the enemy of not only Jesus Christ, but also the unwavering enemy of all Christ's followers, seeking to rend and consume them. For more information on Satan the Devil I recommend reading the booklet "Is There Really a Devil?" http://www.ucg.org/booklet/there-really-devil/
  • buckrss

    hi, I find your site interesting, and your attempt to portray the "gospel message" as understood by first century believers as admirable. It was good to see that many of the erroneous beliefs that developed in christianity eg trinity, immortal soul etc have been disregarded, and equally good to see that the real christian hope of resurrection to life in a very real kingdom here on earth is being taught. I do have some reservations however, since I do not believe that all eroneous doctrins have been disregarded (eg supernatural devil). The great thing is, however, as we come to the end of mans reign and the start of Christs millenial reign, we will soon all be able to worship God having a much greater understanding of the intricacies of the orginal gospel message.

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