When was Jesus Christ born?: Was Jesus born on December 25 - Christmas Day?

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When was Jesus Christ born?

Was Jesus born on December 25 - Christmas Day?

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A careful analysis of Scripture, however, clearly indicates that December 25 couldn't be the date for Christ's birth. Here are two primary reasons:

First, we know that shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks at the time of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:7-8). Shepherds were not in the fields during December. According to Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Luke's account "suggests that Jesus may have been born in summer or early fall. Since December is cold and rainy in Judea, it is likely the shepherds would have sought shelter for their flocks at night" (p. 309).

Similarly, The Interpreter's One-Volume Commentary says this passage argues "against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec. 25 since the weather would not have permitted" shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields at night.

Second, Jesus' parents came to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke 2:1-4). Such censuses were not taken in winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and roads were in poor condition. Taking a census under such conditions would have been self-defeating.

Given the difficulties and the desire to bring pagans into Christianity, "the important fact then which I have asked you to get clearly into your head is that the fixing of the date as December 25th was a compromise with paganism" (William Walsh, The Story of Santa Klaus, 1970, p. 62).

If Jesus Christ wasn't born on December 25, does the Bible indicate when He was born? The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus' birth, based on the conception and birth of John the Baptist.

Since Elizabeth (John's mother) was in her sixth month of pregnancy when Jesus was conceived (Luke 1:24-36), we can determine the approximate time of year Jesus was born if we know when John was born. John's father, Zacharias, was a priest serving in the Jerusalem temple during the course of Abijah (Luke 1:5). Historical calculations indicate this course of service corresponded to June 13-19 in that year (The Companion Bible, 1974, Appendix 179, p. 200).

It was during this time of temple service that Zacharias learned that he and his wife, Elizabeth, would have a child (Luke 1:8-13). After he completed his service and traveled home, Elizabeth conceived (Luke 1:23-24). Assuming John's conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the end of March as the most likely time for John's birth. Adding another six months (the difference in ages between John and Jesus (Luke 1:35-36)) brings us to the end of September as the likely time of Jesus' birth.

Although it is difficult to determine the first time anyone celebrated December 25 as Christmas Day, historians are in general agreement that it was sometime during the fourth century. This is an amazingly late date. Christmas was not observed in Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire, until about 300 years after Christ's death. Its origins cannot be traced back to either the teachings or practices of the earliest Christians.



To learn more about the origins of Christmas, read the following online Bible study resources:

4,000 Years of Christmas

Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate Christmas

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

Was There Really "No Room in the Inn"?

Was Christ Born on Christmas Day?

The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas

Bible FAQ: Is there any connection between the tree mentioned in Jeremiah 10 and the Christmas tree?

Video: The Day After Christmas

Video: The Real Meaning of Christ's Birth

Bible Study Aid Booklet: Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Matter Which Days We Observe?

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  • Pat.Brandt

    These are just my thoughts as to the timing of the birth of Jesus.
    Since the circumcision of a boy occurs on the 8th day after birth there are only TWO of God's High Holy Days where these occur on a FIRST and EIGHTH day consecutively. My guess is that He was born on the First day of the Feast of Tabernacles (God's High Holy Day) and was circumcised on the Last Great Day (God's High Holy Day) which was the 8th day.
    This also agrees with the timing of late September - early October for the time of His birth from Scripture.

  • mb09151961

    My mom n dad told me Christmas wasn't Jesus birthday

  • robbypesca

    If not on that date then when was he really born?

  • marvinlzinn1

    My father knew more than 100 years ago that Christmas never had anything to do the Jesus Christ. It was only done to convince people to buy junk. "Love of money is the root of all evil!" I Timothy 6:10
    Personally I never celebrated anything during my entire 72 years. Unless needed for identification, I never tell anyone my birthday either. It is all a waste of time and money.
    The religion I have is just continuation of how Jesus met with his disciples. It is the same in most states and 20 countries where I worked. Satan will start anything to appeal to human nature and desires, including Santa Claus.

  • AlSong

    We have to understand the meaning of the celebration of Jesus 'birth fist. This celebration is to honour and appreciate God coming into our humanity. We appreciate the real reason that He accepted to come to our rescue in our fallen world.

    I am a teacher by profession. We acknowledge the birthday of children in school. If it falls on a weekend we still recognize the student on a week day. Not even one student ever complained that it was not his/her birthday. It is not even an issue at all. Jesus who is God understands all this and looks at the HEART and see the motives. The motive is we want to recognize Jesus and adore Him just like the Three kings/or wisemen did. Since he is wiser than all men he does not complain about the Church that He established with his own authority giving it all POWER ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN to shepherd human beings. When God shares His power he does not relinquish HIS power. That is why true believers are to reign with Him. Service is to reign with Him. That is why true believers are to be the salt of the earth. That is why true believers will have mercy instead of judgement on the last day- those who support positive things of this world.

  • Lena VanAusdle

    Maybe you could consider a couple of verses.
    John 14:15, 21 and John 15:10 (If you love Me keep My commandments).
    Revelation 22:18-19; Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32 (do not add to or take away from the word of God).
    Jesus tells us specifically to keep His commands; we're also told specifically not to add to or take away from the word of God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to commemorate His birth, only His death.
    Yes, we are to love one another, and yes, we are to love God and show mercy, but those things do not take away our obligation to obey Him.

  • Skip Miller

    Hello Al,
    I too was a teacher by profession. At first I taught the concepts I had learned in the culture of the good ole USA. But being a thinking person, and not spending all leisure time in idle pursuits, I began to read the Bible and to think about that in earnest. What a surprise! Not everyone wants to know the Truth! It can get in the way of what is familiar, what You want to do. But if a person is honest and really wants to understand, Jesus promises that He will give us exactly what we need. I realize that salvation is a gift, but God still expects effort on our part. (So many say, "Jesus has done it all !!!" That seems to me to neglect (1 Pet 2: 20, 21 or Phil 4: 12 , 13) I want to "study to show (myself) approved."

  • EarlFCaseJr

    IN REFERENCE TO YOUR COMMENT: "Assuming John’s conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the end of March as the most likely time for John’s birth."
    Historical calculations indicate this course of service corresponded to June 13-19 in that year ( The Companion Bible , 1974, Appendix 179, p. 200).

    It was during this time of temple service that Zacharias learned that he and his wife, Elizabeth, would have a child (Luke 1:8-13). After he completed his service and traveled home, Elizabeth conceived (Luke 1:23-24). Assuming John’s conception took place near the end of June, adding nine months brings us to the end of March as the most likely time for John’s birth. Adding another six months (the difference in ages between John and Jesus (Luke 1:35-36)) brings us to the end of September as the likely time of Jesus’ birth.

  • blondy

    It is in the bible about when he was born. The Jews had two new years. One in the spring around pass over (holy day calendar), one in fall (secular calendar). Use Holy day calendar, go to sixth month when angel came to Mary, Late October, go forward nine months, August. Think Lion of the tribe of Judah. The stars and constelations have meaning. A woman can go two weeks past due date, not unusual. August would fit perfect with the census being done while warm out and the shepherds out in the fields.

  • RodneyShaddaiLeon
    Apparently Jesus was born in the evening, and Revelation 12 shows that it was a New Moon day (moon 1st appears as a thin crescent; each of the 12 months began with a new moon]. The Birth of Christ and the Day of Trumpets shows the further significance of 11 September, 3 BC. It was Tishri One on the Jewish calendar. Tishri One is none other than the Jewish New Year's day (Nisan 1 was the beginning of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; in 3 BC this fell on 18 March). Otherwise known as Rosh sha’shanah, or as the Bible calls it, the Day of Trumpets (Lev.23:23-25]. This is amazing. Almost too amazing! What a significant day for the appearance of the Messiah on earth! To Jewish people this would have been a profound occasion indeed! There could have hardly have been a better day in the calendar of the Jews to introduce the Messiah to the world than the first day of the civil year. Sundown on 11 September 3 BC (6 p.m.), was the beginning of Rosh sha’shanah (Jesus was born very soon after 6 p.m. when the day changed from 30 Elul to 1 Tishri). The significance of 1 Tishri in Scripture. It is the Jewish New Year’s Day (end of summer and beginning of autumn). It was also Noah’s birthday, and the very day he removed the cover from the Ark (Gen.8:13). It was also the beginning of a new beginning for Earth physically as well as spiritually.
  • Lena VanAusdle

    While you are correct that Jesus Christ was likely born in the fall (based on historical records and the Bible); the Bible does not indicate a specific date or time that Jesus was born. If God wanted us to know those things, He would have recorded it in His Bible. When He was born is only relevant in that it debunks the idea that December 25 is His "birthday."

  • RodneyShaddaiLeon
    Christ was born on September 11 in 3 B.C. rather than the commonly misconception of anywhere from 4 to 7 BC. on Christmas. On that morning the conjunction of 4 planets together in the sky looking like a huge combined eastern star. The longitude of Jupiter was 142.6 degrees, Mars 142.64, Venus 141.67, and Mercury 143.71. Obviously this would have been an interesting sight to behold to anyone. Jupiter later came into exact juxtaposition with Regulus Rex (the "king maker") on Sept 14th. I'm sure none here are astronomers or astrologers, but in the sky there was a long story happening with symbolic meanings that directed the Magi to that date and place. (Some of it is spelled out in Revelations). Dec 25th in 2 BC Jupiter was placed in Virgo 1* in the womb position (which is why they knew a coming important birth was the context of what they were seeing). But the apostle John saw the scene when the Sun "clothed" the Woman" (to be mid-bodied], and this happens between about the 150th to 170th degrees along the ecliptic, which occurs over about a 20-day period each year, which in 3 BC was from about 27 August and 15 September. If John in the Book of Revelation were associating the birth of Christ with the period when the Sun is mid-bodied to the Woman, then Christ would have been born within this 20 day period. From the point of view of the Magi back in their homes in Babylon, this would have been the only logical sign under which the Jewish Messiah might be born. Especially if He were to be born of a virgin (Virgo). The key to the very day of Jesus' birth is the words, "and the moon under her feet." The word "under" signifies that the Woman's feet were positioned just over the Moon. Since the feet of Virgo represent the last 7 degrees of the constellation (in the time of Christ this would have been between about 180 and 187 degrees along the ecliptic], the Moon has to be positioned somewhere under the 7th degree of Libra. The Moon also has to be in that exact location when the Sun is mid-bodied to Virgo. In the year 3 BC, these two factors came to precise agreement for less than two hours, as observed from Palestine, on September 11. The precise arrangement began about 6:15 p.m. (sunset, and lasted until 7:45 p.m. (moonset). This is the only day and time in the whole year that this could have taken place. It's all there if you have patience to look and think.
  • redeemedcyster6
    A friend of mine once said... God did not tell us to celebrate His birth (Jesus'). Rather, we should celebrate Him daily. Christian Christmas: Celebrate Daily Pagan Christmas: December 25
  • hannahdm
    22Curiouschristian- I came across this site and never intended on making an account. It was the only way to reply to your comments though. I just need to tell you, as someone who has never been to church, and considers herself to be "agnostic" ...you have restored my hope for humanity. Religious people scare me. But, you are a true logical thinker and I admire you so much. Thank you for thinking outside the box and showing me that not all Christians live in fantasy land.
  • Rafik Samy
    Hello, Please excuse my English as it is my second language. I want to share my thoughts about the day or month of birth and will continue to the day of resurrection of Jesus. Let's start by reading LUKE 1: 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,... Now we have 2 methods to calculate what was the 6th month. 1- As our months now in a normal Gregorian calendar the 6th month is June, so after 9 months for the due date of Jesus birth (Normal birth) that must be March. ** March is corespondent to Nissan when Jewish celebrate the passover the feast of the sacrifice offered on the eve of that holiday during Temple times. 2- As Jewish Months in old and new calendar, Nissan is the first month and it is corespondent to March / April according to the year. The 6th month is Elul is corespondent August / September. After 9 months it must be Sivan (May/June)the third month of Jewish year and also the month when they celebrate the Shavuot the feast of Giving the Torah after the exodus. So by all calculations.. it could not be nor December neither January as the Coptic church celebrate Christmas. Why do Roman Church celebrate in 25th of December? I like to share with you this link so you can think about it. **Link removed to comply with comment policy** it is a little bit strange.. but it's a way of thinking :)
  • curiouschristian
    It always struck me as incongruent that the Creator of the known universe would *need* Man to write His book *for* Him. I mean, to avoid all this suspicion and distrust of sinful Man, why wouldn’t God have waved His hand and -poof!- created the Bible? And then, to give us assurance that we’re getting a legitimate, unadulterated copy of His Word, why didn’t He deliver the Bible to everyone via His angels –with wings and golden light surrounding them, and invisible trumpets blaring to announce them- to ensure that we knew without a doubt that we were being gifted from His certified messengers? If you think about it logically, why would you ever want anyone to doubt your existence or your will, and leave it up to fallible sinners to speak *for* you? Didn’t Adam & Eve prove that Man can’t be trusted to not make mistakes? So consider for a moment that God doesn’t speak through *books* but through the *actions* of people, and in the vestiges of Nature. I personally believe the only thing God could sensibly want from anyone is for them to treat each other with kindness, and in every way possible, treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. I consider myself Christian –not by faith, but by reason, and because I truly follow, to the best of my abilities, this one simple Law passed on to us by Jesus Christ. I don’t believe that Jesus died for our sins. I think it’s absolutely ludicrous that we can commit any evil we want and still get off scott-free if we only “accept Jesus” into our heart. I believe in forgiveness, but that people have to *earn* it. I believe people have to make an effort to do good, and to not do harm. I think by these tenets alone we create Heaven or Hell –right here on Earth, every day of our lives. I think God, like any loving parent, would *want* His children to make Heaven on Earth, and that this is the sum of how to “worship” Him. But that’s just my take on things. If I'm "wrong" then I trust God will show me the Truth -because I have faith that He loves me in the same way that I would love everyone to rise to their best and live with me in Paradise :)
  • curiouschristian
    2) People say that God wants us to worship Him on a specific day, in specific ways. But the only indication of *why* that is comes from the Bible. So here's my issue with that: Those who believe that the Bible is God's Word insist that the message is pure and unadulterated dictation directly from God’s proverbial lips. Another way that’s put is that the Bible is the "inspired” Word of God.” Well history is rife with people who insist that God "inspired” their actions –both good and evil. Generally, civil society doesn’t accept that God inspired mothers to drown their children, or men to destroy nations in God’s name. But we all know that’s exactly what happened in the Crusades, the Inquisition, and countless examples throughout history. And those are just the more “normal” examples of God’s “inspiration” for horrific behavior. And, of course people often credit God for committing acts of kindness and compassion. Yet few people will question that because it doesn’t threaten us. So with all the evil in the world that’s “inspired” by God, how can we trust that the Bible, which we all know was eventually hand-written by fallible mortal men after centuries of oral tradition*, how can we trust that parts of the message didn’t get lost in transmission, much less that they weren’t lost to the agenda of men? * If you’ve ever played “phone wire” with a group (where you tell someone a relatively short story, and see how warped it becomes by the time the 10th person retells it), you understand the problem here. On top of that, what about the fact that the Bible is a compilation that was determined by a group of men (men in *power* no less)? With all the greed and lust for power we *know* to exist in the world of Man, how can we trust that nothing was left out of God’s Word, and/or that nothing was changed, to suit the interests of men in power? And what about all the failures to translate completely and accurately from one language to another when many words have no equivalent in another language? ...Last part coming up next...
  • curiouschristian
    Katarina, I applaud your manners in responding to others, as much as I agree with your primary point, which is to love and honor God/Jesus -who knows our heart, and is our only credible Judge. To those who insist that God wants us to worship Him on specific days, in specific ways, I say this: 1) Why would God even want to be *worshipped*? Love, I understand, but *worship*? I see a significant difference. We all appreciate being loved, but how many of us crave being worshipped? It's one thing to delight in, and honor those we respect and love, but *worshipping* seems entirely egomaniacal -which is an all too human trait (and far from our best). With that said, why would an all-powerful creator *need* to be loved? If we accept that everything in the universe came forth from God, and God wants us to worship or just love Him, doesn't that necessarily make God narcissistic? Again, a definitively human trait that's not our best. This is why I'm dubious about this particular relationship with God, and why I consider God to be much further from our comprehension than most people seem comfortable with. I don't doubt God's existence. It makes infinitely more sense to me that the universe came from *something* for *some reason* than from nowhere for no reason at all. This to me implies there's a Creator. Following this line of logic, the next step is to ask *why* Create? As any creative person would immediately relate to, the answer is rather obvious: God Created for the Joy of Creating. As we are creative beings, this gives the concept of our being Created in the Image of God a whole different meaning than the one that most people have assumed: that God is Human in appearance. When you think of God as simply a Creative Being -albeit infinitely powerful and complex- it puts our place in the world into a whole new context, doesn't it? What's the point of existence if not to exalt in infinite acts of creativity, joy, and to experience life in every imaginable and pleasing way? Please don't respond to this yet. I'm not done, but there's a character limit here I have to work around. Part II coming momentarily...
  • elderd89
    Hi don't know if I could reach katrina..well if this could reach her just want to let her know that days and dates don't matter...even the spirit behind it don't..but u see this particular days have been set aside for their own gods and then have u stopped to ask yourself why do they have to put the day to celebrate christmas on the same day they worship their gods??..not only that using their own celebration techniques...why not use another day or another instead of Easter..the bible say my people perish for lack of knowledge.....am just saying that u should look it through there is more to it than u think...to u it might look like u are worshipping God bt forgetting the little things that matters...thanks
    read a book of LUKE
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