Is the Laying on of Hands Necessary for Us to Receive the Holy Spirit?

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Is the Laying on of Hands Necessary for Us to Receive the Holy Spirit?

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What did their baptism by John accomplish? Undoubtedly, it helped prepare them for conversion, for he preached repentance. And it likely strengthened their resolve to obey God. But the baptism didn't bring about their conversion or result in their receiving the Holy Spirit. Clearly, many factors have to be in order for that to take place, including knowledge of sin (the transgression of God's law, 1 John 3:4), an awareness of the need for forgiveness, true repentance (turning from sin to obedience), faith toward God and Christ and a clear understanding of the obligations of Christianity. In addition, the baptism should, under normal circumstances, be done by a minister of God's Church, followed by the laying on of hands and prayer to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

You can read this encounter in Acts 19:1-6, where you will see that Paul—after counseling the believers—baptized them again and laid hands on them.

Like baptism, the practice of laying on of hands has its historical roots in the Old Testament. In ancient times this practice, often accompanied by anointing with oil, was used to set men apart to serve God in the offices of king or priest. It was also sometimes invoked in setting apart sacrifices or other things for holy use. Similarly, laying on of hands after baptism signifies that the newly baptized person has now been set apart for God.

Since the days of the apostles, the laying on of hands after baptism has signified the actual moment of the receiving of the Holy Spirit and the setting apart of a convert as a child of God. It is only through the gift of God's Spirit that we can develop the godly attitude of obedience and faith. The practice of laying on of hands for the receiving of God's Spirit is mentioned in Acts 8:17; 19:6; and 2 Timothy 1:6.

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