Good News Magazine: September - October 2004

Table of Contents

3 minutes
An editorial note from John Ross Schroeder
10 minutes
A Good News Interview With Leen Ritmeyer, Ph.D.
Jerusalem at night.
16 minutes
Putting aside all the claims and counterclaims about the ownership of Jerusalem, what does the Bible say about this historic city? Who is its real...
10 minutes
As American writer Saul Bellow asked, "What is it that led the Jews to place themselves, after the greatest disaster in their history [the Holocaust]...
9 minutes
As the United States enters the final weeks of a hotly contested presidential election campaign, this is a good time to ask a crucial question: Could...
4 minutes
The actions of the U.S. president are crucially important to the welfare of many nations. The stakes are high when we consider both the domestic and...
7 minutes
At the recent International AIDS Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, delegates repeatedly condemned abstinence programs. The African continent has...
A family having a picnic in a field.
13 minutes
Will mankind ever experience lasting peace? Humanity's track record isn't very good. But a series of biblical feasts reveals how God will indeed bring...
1 minute
Unconfirmed reports have been circulating for several years suggesting that North Korea might be developing an intercontinental missile, most likely...
6 minutes
In this magazine we often write about what the Bible refers to as the Kingdom of God—the divine government Jesus will establish after He returns to...
2 minutes
World Net Daily published a report saying that Iran will have nuclear weapons by 2008, indicating that international inspections have delayed the...
2 minutes
The Sunday Times reported that "investigators tracking the spread of nuclear technology and know-how through the clandestine sales network of the...
2 minutes
A recent celebration of 300 years of British rule on Gibraltar fanned the flames of ownership claims to the Rock.
1 minute
An Aug. 5 Associated Press release reports that scientists have found evidence indicating that the human form of mad cow disease might be infecting a...
1 minute
Two alleged acts of wife killing (the Scott Peterson and Mark Hacking cases) have dominated America's evening newscasts. Why do such things happen...
1 minute
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, acutely aware of the need to counter out-of-control crime and disorder in scattered areas of the United Kingdom...
1 minute
Could terrorist threats and actions against Europe help fulfill end-time prophecies? In recent months terrorists have made increasing threats against...
An older man's hand on an open Bible.
6 minutes
Does this ancient biblical feast hold great meaning for Christians today?