United News: June 2005

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Table of Contents

9 minutes
Why not take advantage of the incredible, spongelike learning capacity of our children to start planting the most important information of all—God's...
2 minutes
For years in the Church I heard that fasting, along with prayer, Bible study and meditation, were tools a Christian could use for spiritual growth.
3 minutes
With the recent tsunami, the terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center and the war on terrorism, our attention is drawn to the prophecy in Matthew...
3 minutes
"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12).
2 minutes
"Recharge daily" was the third point of Mitch Knapp's recent sermon on "Following Christ's Example."
4 minutes
Our Fundamental Beliefs booklet puts it this way: We believe in tithing as a way of honoring God with our substance and as a means of serving Him in...
2 minutes
When my family and I were on a tour of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, we found that losing the light can be devastating.
2 minutes
Our home is our refuge from the world.

United's 10th Anniversary

During this spring and early summer, the United Church of God, an International Association, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Of course, our humble efforts are simply a continuation of the work that Jesus Christ began in the first century.
2 minutes
Service takes many forms, from the ministry to ushering, but in whatever form it takes, we must be careful of our attitude.

Remember Your Beginning!

Looking back over the last 10 years can remind us to be humble and thankful for all God has given us.
3 minutes
When Jesus Christ started His ministry, He was 30 years of age.
8 minutes
The Bible instructs us to examine, test and prove what we believe. It isn't good enough to just believe or to accept a doctrine just because it has...
2 minutes
Ingratitude may be considered one of the worst of crimes.
7 minutes
Two years ago the MRI showed a nickel-sized benign tumor in my right ear that had grown around the sheath that covers three nerves that transmit...
1 minute
Conflict is like a mountain stream.