A Biblical Worldview: Middle East Conflict - The Role of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Red Heifers

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A Biblical Worldview

Middle East Conflict - The Role of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Red Heifers

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A Biblical Worldview: Middle East Conflict - The Role of Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Red Heifers

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In this Biblical Worldview episode, United Church of God president, Rick Shabi, explores the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict and the mysterious role of the red heifers in biblical prophecy.

Rick Shabi examines recent events, including Hamas and Hezbollah's attacks, and the unconfirmed reports of a mock red heifer ceremony on the Mount of Olives. The Bible offers insight into the region’s unrest, with references to the third temple, end-time prophecies, and the connection to ancient enmities. Discover how these events are shaping the Middle East, and how biblical prophecy can help you understand the times we are living in.


[Rick Shabi] Israel, Gaza, Hezbollah, Hamas, and talks of ceasefires. It seems like these things are always in the news, but nothing ever happens, and the bombs and rockets just keep flying. Is this conflict ever going to be resolved? And what about those red heifers that we spoke about six months ago? They were reported to be a cause of that war. Whatever happened to them? Were they ever sacrificed? Are they still an issue? We'll briefly give you updates and answer those questions today, finding the answers in the Bible as we always do. It is the source of truth.

First, let's talk about those red heifers. You will remember that a Palestinian spokesman said that the presence of those red heifers in Israel was the reason that Hamas conducted that surprise attack on Israel back on October 7th, because they see those rare cows as a threat to their existence. According to Jewish belief, when those rare red heifers were old enough to be sacrificed, the Jewish priesthood could be purified from their ashes. That would then make possible the building of a third temple in Jerusalem, which could usher in the coming of the Messiah. The Palestinians will stop at nothing to prevent that.

That story made headlines across the world six months ago. Everyone speculated about those cows, but since then you can't find any information on where they are or whether they've been sacrificed. Some months ago, a report came out that the powers that be in Israel were keeping all that a secret. Reports were that the red heifers were moved to a secret location and that no announcement would be made about any potential sacrifice.

Last week, though, a report surfaced that a mock red heifer ceremony was conducted. There has been no confirmation that this is what really happened, but according to what we understand, one of those red heifers would need to be sacrificed before they reach their fourth birthday. That could be within the next few months. The red heifer sacrifice, just to be clear, is for ritual purification. Orthodox Jews want to do this sacrifice to purify the nation of Israel. It would then be a possible prelude to animal sacrifices and religious ritual meant to align the nation with God. The prophet Daniel spoke of a time in the future when sacrifices would be made in Jerusalem as part of the end-time events. We find that in Daniel 12:11. When we see sacrifices occurring in Jerusalem, it will be an important sign of the end time.

But let's switch back and talk about Israel and Gaza for a moment, which now also includes Yemen, the Houthis, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran in this growing regional conflict. Since the war started, there have been talks of ceasefires, but neither side ever follows through. This past weekend, Hezbollah bombarded Israel from Lebanon with rockets. Israel responded in kind and states that they averted a larger-scale attack. This type of thing happens over and over. And the conflict has repercussions and caused divides around the world. Emotionally charged anti-Semitism and pro-Palestinian protests have occurred around the world and in the United States, on college campuses, and at the Democratic National Convention.

So let's get back to the Israel and Hamas conflict. Will the warring sides ever agree to a ceasefire or when and how will this war end? Well, we have just talked about the Palestinian resolve to eliminate Israel and prevent the building of that third temple, so they are unlikely to give into Israeli demands. And Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has said that he will not give up until Hamas is destroyed.

[Benjamin Netanyahu]This would enable Hamas to survive another day, and as they vowed to carry out October 7th again and again and again, well, I want to assure you, no matter what pressure is brought to bear, I will never allow that to happen.

[Rick Shabi] His determination stems in part from the biblical account of an ancient enmity between the people of God, including the Jews, and a group known as the Amalekites. You read about it in Deuteronomy 25:17-18. There we read, God, speaking says, "'Remember what Amalek did to you on the way as you, Israel, were coming out of Egypt, how he met you in the way and attacked your rear ranks, all the stragglers at your rear, when you were tired and weary, and he, Amalek, did not fear God.'" The nation of Amalek back then launched a surprise attack on Israel after God delivered His people from Egypt. The method of their warfare was terrorism. Not like traditional warfare, but this was a surprise, unprovoked, brutal attack on women and children, a similar method to what Hamas used in attacking Israel back in October.

God condemned this terrorist method of fighting. In Exodus 17:14-16, we read, "The Lord said to Moses, 'Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I,'" that's God, "'that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.' Because the Lord has sworn, He will have war with Amalek from generation to generation." Generation to generation, the conflict continues today as the hostility and hatred has continued down through the generations. Today, they are no longer known as the Amalekites, but that spirit of intense hatred against Israel continues, and not just from one nation or group. So is there likely to be a ceasefire in the region? Considering all the vested interests of all the parties involved, it's simply not likely.

The Bible does tell us, though, that Israel will eventually fall. Christ Himself says that armies will surround Jerusalem. He says that in Luke 21, the beast power of Europe, that autocratic, brutal governmental system and king, which will appear on earth and which derives its strength from Satan, will be involved at that time. So how will all of this end? Well, as we often say, you can understand the world and what's going on if you know and understand the Bible. The answers for this conflict in the Middle East are in the Bible, and the solutions for this war's ills are there too. But you need to understand what the Bible says.

And that's what we're here for, to help you understand that a loving God didn't want a world of war for mankind. He wanted mankind to live in peace, tranquility, harmony, and to have abundant blessings of all kinds. That will happen only when Christ returns, and the whole world lives by His way. Again, the way that you find in this Bible. Then there will be lasting peace and joy all over the world. The Bible shows that mankind and its governments will bring the world to the brink of destruction. But the good news is that Jesus Christ will return to end all wars, and He will save the world from utter destruction. It is in Him, that our hope and future lies.

You can read that in Revelation 11:18 where it says this. It says, "The nations were angry, and your wrath," that's God's wrath, "has come. And the time of the dead, that they should be judged. And that you should reward your servants, the prophets, and the saints, and those who fear your name, small and great. And that you should destroy those who destroy the earth." The returning Jesus Christ will destroy those who would destroy the earth. The leaders of this world will continue to war and try to impose their own ways and agenda on people as they seek complete control over humanity in their arrogance and misguided intentions. But the saints, the saints will be rewarded by Christ, the Bible tells us.

Do you want to be one of those saints? You can be, but you must change your life and turn away from this world, from trust in governments, weapons, and political leaders, and turn to God and Jesus Christ. But mark this, just saying you believe in Jesus Christ is not enough. Maybe your church or religious leaders have told you this, but it's not the case. You need to show Christ you love Him by following His way and living your life like He did. Much like you know your children love you when they follow your rules and do what you ask them to do willingly. They do it out of love. We must show God the same love by living the way He asked us to live willingly.

The way of the saints who are rewarded is described in Revelation 14:12. There it says, "Here is the patience of the saints. Here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." See that? They keep the commandments of God. All 10 of them, not as legalists, but because they love God and His way of life as defined in the Bible throughout the New Testament. The way Jesus Christ lived His life. The way His disciples lived the rest of their lives, willing to die for that way just as Jesus Christ did. Jesus Christ Himself said to all people who would follow Him, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Keep them just like He did all of His life, just like all the apostles did all the rest of their lives. They never changed from what Christ taught and lived.

We can help you learn more about Christ and the way of life that leads to peace of mind, joy, hope, all of which mankind wants. It's all right here in your Bible. Read it, and then look to us for help in understanding what the Bible says and what the plan of God is for mankind. Christ wants mankind to be at peace and to have joy and abundance. We want the same thing for you. These troubling times don't have to be overwhelming. Visit us today at ucg.org/gaza so you can learn more about the times ahead and how you can prepare spiritually.