Where Does America Stand With God?

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Where Does America Stand With God?

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Readers of our publication know that even though we point out America's problems, we nonetheless have a profound respect and love for the nation. We respect and appreciate the freedom its citizens have to live and work in a society where the individual can achieve success based on hard work and initiative. We understand that the country's great national wealth is unparalleled in world history. America sits astride today's world as a source of stability where other forces of chaos might prevail. Some other nations chafe at this power and perhaps wish for changes in the world order. But the fact remains that were America to fade from power, even those who wish its demise might find themselves sorry to see it go.

Our view of why America has such great blessings is not rooted in a material explanation. We know that God, the God of Abraham, is the source of the nation's great standing in history. The Bible speaks to this fact in several prophecies, beginning in the book of Genesis. Because one man was faithful to God, America has these blessings today. This view gives us a unique position from which to understand the source of America's blessings and to understand what is happening to its role in the world, as well. We can also understand what lies ahead, just beyond today's horizon.

I have been preparing a Beyond Today television program based on my article "Are We Living in a 9/10 Economy," which appeared in the September WNP. I recently spoke on the subject before a group of subscribers in Michigan. I discussed America's role in the world and how it flows from God's blessings, not from its power or might. Yet God's Word shows that a day of judgment is coming upon America's people because of their sins and a failure to acknowledge God and obey His laws.

Are we living in a twilight period before major changes redefine this great nation's role in the world? The dollar has been declining on world currency markets for several years. Recent weeks have seen it fall against the euro and other world currencies. Global markets continue to readjust after August's subprime lending fiasco came to light. In the aftermath of that matter, we have seen how reckless money managers can be in pursuit of ever higher profits.

Oil is reaching record prices of nearly $100 a barrel. Is this because of actual shortages of crude caused by an increased demand from China, or is it an artificially created jump due to tension in the Middle East? Another unexpected event to upset the delicate order could be disastrous.

Pakistan is essentially under martial law to hold together a fragmented nation of tribal groups and Islamic extremists. Pakistan's role is complicated further since it possesses nuclear weapons. If these weapons were to fall into the hands of religious extremists, the West's—and the world's—worst nightmare could come to pass. The stability of Pakistan is critical to Washington's current strategy in the Middle East. An anti-Western Pakistan would change the picture of the region.

In other parts of the Middle East, Turkey threatens to invade Iraq to deal with Kurdish extremists and the standoff with Iran over its nuclear plans continues. At present there are a number of crisis points on the global scene, any one of which could trigger additional upheavals that could change the present picture.

Which brings me back to America. The United States stands squarely in the middle of all these matters and is the indispensable nation on the world scene. Yet Bible prophecy foretells a time when its great power will be eclipsed by events beyond its control. God actually warns that its national sins will lead to a time of trouble, a time of punishment for neglecting to honor Him as the source of its blessings. This is hard to grasp as Americans shop at well-stocked stores and revel in comfortable, comparatively luxurious surroundings.

Today God shelters and keeps the nation standing for His own purpose and design. He lovingly tells Americans to repent of their ways and turn to Him in a great national awakening or He will punish them through other nations that are driven by different motives. World history moves upon a far higher dimension than most understand. There are powerful spiritual currents moving to shape the future, and the Bible tells us God directs it all according to His plan and purpose. What we read in our headlines is not the complete story.

The United States has forgotten the source of its blessings. Unless the country as a whole understands and accepts the root causes of its current dilemma and every individual comes to deep heartfelt repentance, America will stumble blindly forward till a day of accounting is required for the great sin of forgetting where its blessings originated. Therein lies the heart of true patriotism.

We are living in dynamic times. Count your blessings while you still can.

Keep watching.

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