America's Amazing Physical Blessings

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America's Amazing Physical Blessings

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On the eve of the American celebration of a day of Thanksgiving, I want to wish all of you a happy and blessed day. This period is always the busiest travel period of the year and continues to be a focus for family gatherings. I have noticed that those who gather around the tables include more than just our immediate families. It is a time when we gather others of an "extended family" and make them welcome. It’s truly a time of inclusion that brings out the best of the American tradition.

All this travel requires fuel and energy. Last weekend the OPEC heads of state gathered to discuss the pricing of oil, and the issue of the decline of the American dollar on world markets came up. OPEC discussed the pricing of oil in currencies other than the dollar, but no decision was reached to make the change. It appears the issue was kicked forward to another time. Pricing oil in other currencies would push the dollar’s value further down and create serious problems for the American economy, and possibly the world economy.

For this and other reasons, don't look for it to happen soon. There are a number of trends moving in the world financial markets at the present time. But we are a major step away from seeing the decline of American power in all its forms, especially the economic and the military. Today no one comes close to America in these two realms. But that doesn't mean things could not change.

For now there is time to understand the great plan God has called us to. When I write about the great blessings of this land and then connect them to the promises God made to Abraham, I am often asked, What do the physical promises have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ? It is a good question.

We live in an age of doubt where Bible truth, Jesus Christ's divinity and God's existence are continually assaulted. A "new atheism" has put several books denying God on the best-seller lists. Our society is besotted with an interest in the occult, and witchcraft is the staple of children's reading. More than 90 percent of Americans say they believe in God, but less than half of them actually attend any formal religious service. Clearly people are finding their "god" in places other than church!

Belief in the true gospel of the Kingdom of God, the actual message brought and taught by Jesus of Nazareth, is hard to find and little understood. God's promises of salvation are directly tied to His promises and covenants with Abraham and his descendants. That God has fulfilled every aspect of the physical promises to Israel is a sign and everyday proof that He will fulfill every aspect of the spiritual promises through Jesus Christ. God will bring salvation to humanity according to His great plan and purpose.

This understanding of why Great Britain and America have inherited the great blessings of the birthright helps make sense of our present world and the future course of nations. God is guiding history to His conclusion according to a divine plan in place from before the foundation of the world.

We are living in a period of transition in world history. Nations are aligning into an end-time configuration. What we see occurring in the Middle East, Asia and Europe are the leading trails of major epochal changes to occur. The result will be the major prophecies of Revelation and Daniel fulfilled before our eyes. All of this is a prelude to the return of Christ and the Kingdom of God replacing the nations of this world.

Enjoy your holiday weekend and give God the thanks He deserves for all we have. It is a good time, and we should remember the source of all good things, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Keep watching.

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