Mr. Brown Comes to Washington

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Mr. Brown Comes to Washington

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When America and Great Britain stand together, the world is blessed. When they don't, the world changes and not always for the better. This is a principle taken from Bible prophecy, modern history and conventional wisdom. Disagree if you will, but it is true. This week we may have seen cracks in the foundation of this important geopolitical structure.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown came to Washington to see President Barack Obama and to address a joint session of Congress. It was evident from the setting that the new American president will take a different approach to the "special relationship" between the two nations.

I watched a clip of the Oval Office chat between the two, and it was obvious by the words and the body language of President Obama that he was not comfortable. Prime Minister Brown frankly looked like he was desperately trying to find some personal common ground with his counterpart. There was no joint news conference afterward, something that has always been done. That Brown had to wait more than five weeks into the Obama presidency to get to this meeting and that he was not the first foreign leader to meet with Obama was also telling.

Gordon Brown needed this meeting more than Obama did. His standing with voters back home is very low as Britain grapples with the impact of the global financial catastrophe. He came to Washington seeking support for his idea of a "global new deal." While he sees the need for America and Britain to combine their resources to create a new global financial system, he also encourages closer ties with Europe.

Europe is going through its own changes as it deals with collapsing economies and economic stagnation. Germany is balking at bailing out failed states and banks. Many wonder if the euro will survive or if some other type of monetary arrangement will emerge. The ugly specter of nationalism, each nation looking out for its own welfare, is appearing across the continent. Incidents of anti-Semitism and ethnic antagonism are on the rise in Great Britain, France and Austria. In Europe this is a potent mixture for future trouble. America and Britain are not going to find their salvation in ever closer ties with Europe.

While Prime Minister Brown was in the Oval Office, he must have looked around the room and noticed something missing. After 9/11 the British government loaned President Bush a bust of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the World War II leader who fully understood the unique connection between America and Great Britain. Churchill, whose mother was American, understood that when the two nations united together in common policies they were a force for freedom and prosperity for mankind. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, it was fitting that his figure in the Oval Office served as a reminder of the firm resolve between the two nations in the common fight against terrorism.

But upon taking office in January President Obama had this bust of Churchill removed and returned to the British Embassy. In its place he now has a bust of Abraham Lincoln, a leader with whom he has a closer identity. Symbols are important among leaders. Are we to conclude the relationship between America and Britain could be changing? There are signs this may be happening. If the two nations drift apart in their support and cooperation on major world issues, it will not be good for the world.

Bible prophecy tells us that the sons of Joseph would be like a flourishing vine that goes over the wall and out to others, bringing prosperity. Notice in Genesis 49:22: "Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall." The full story of this special relationship is told in our booklet The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. If you read nothing more than the first chapter you will get an idea of the importance of these two nations to the modern world.

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