Europe Takes a Giant Step Forward

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Europe Takes a Giant Step Forward

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There are times when you get a clear glimpse of the future. This happened to me last weekend in Toronto, Ontario. Melvin Rhodes, one of our WNP writers, and I were presenting a World News and Prophecy seminar to readers of our publications. Over one hundred people attended the seminar to hear about current world trends in the light of Bible prophecy.

Toronto is Canada's largest city with about 2.5 million residents, and upwards of 6 million in the greater Toronto area. It is a diverse city of cultures from around the world. Immigrants have brought with them their native cultures to create a mosaic that is quite unique among the world's cities.

The group of readers we spoke to came from Africa, Latin America, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and across Europe. It was highly multicultural–a mini-United Nations. We found it to be quite interesting hearing the many dialects and voices mingling in conversation throughout the day.

The group was also multigenerational. Young and old mixed easily throughout the day. Young adults operated the cameras and worked to provide food for others. Everyone worked together, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

I had to realize I was looking at the future: A multigenerational, multinational group that came together seeking understanding of today's world and wanting to understand what God's Word, the Bible, says about the future. It was reminiscent of Isaiah 2:2-3.

God has always called people from many nations. As in the days of first-century Jerusalem where we are told there were "devout men, from every nation under heaven," so today there are devout people whom God is calling from around the world. As the gospel goes to the world, God will add whom He wills to the Body of Christ.

It is eye-opening to visit a group like this in Toronto, one of the world's great cities. Doing so provides understanding of the larger world and the diversity of people. It serves to sharpen our focus on preaching the gospel.

The Lisbon Treaty

This week the European Union took a major step forward in achieving political unity. The Czech Republic became the 27th EU member to sign the treaty, making it official. Presumably the next item of priority will be to select a president as provided for in the treaty.

The EU has a long way to go in becoming a truly unified "state" capable of acting in the world like a true superpower. Many analysts look only at this element and fail to see this development in a larger context of the gradual decline of America or in light of Bible prophecy.

Rather than get into a larger discussion here, I refer you to our current November issue of World News and Prophecy now online. In it we have in-depth articles on this subject you will not want to miss.

Significant events are taking place, and so many people are not aware of the long-term significance. Be sure you read these biblically based articles on these topics to get the right context.

Until next time…keep watching.

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