Whose Economic Plan Is Superior?

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Whose Economic Plan Is Superior?

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But wait! If you live somewhere besides America, don't assume you should be disinterested. Consider a very recent conversation my wife had with a youthful proprietor of a cell phone store.

His comment was that he, because he'd invested in Europe, felt safe at the outset of the current economic crisis until last week when banks in England, Holland, Germany and others started staggering. "But I think I'm still OK because I've also invested in Asian markets" he continued.

"You think?" she replied, "This crisis is going to affect everybody around the world."

My wife, the bubble popper!

The best economic plan

Amazingly, a truly viable, non-partisan economic "bailout" plan is already on the table. It was crafted long ago for a worldwide crisis that will begin with many similarities to the present economic situation—a crisis from which the world will be rescued by the direct intervention of Jesus Christ. His economic plan will permanently make things right—though that is still a while in the future.

Unfortunately, no nation is willing to apply the details of Christ's "bailout" plan now. It's inconsistent with man's selfish, greedy, obstinate human nature to pay serious attention to what God says. Even Jesus Christ once exclaimed, "Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do the things which I say" (Luke 6:46)?

The basics of that plan

What you are not hearing in any of the current American presidential debates are the economic laws that Jesus Christ's coming government will enforce, the same basic laws that Moses was divinely inspired to record ages ago in the Holy Scriptures. Many of the details can be found in Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 15. Here are four main points of that "bailout" plan:

  • Land based wealth

Family inheritances of productive land will provide the economic base for all societies. The complex and complicated systems of modern high finance will be simplified to reflect divine decency and order. Extended families will help one another in times of financial difficulty.

Modern real estate laws will be very much out-of-date, many rendered null and void. Non-urban property inheritances will not be sold in perpetuity, only leased out for a time if some irresponsible heir should mismanage it.

  • Jubilee Years

Every fiftieth year Christ will declare a Jubilee—a year free from regular planting and harvesting. Crucial advance preparations will be made.

Temporarily displaced children will then be able to return to their land by rightful inheritance. These children or grandchildren will have the freedom of renewed economic opportunity dropped into their laps, not having to endure generations of deprivation because some ancestor lacked wisdom.

Fifty years, even in today's economy, is a fundamental long-term business cycle. Our world ignores God's plan and suffers the painful consequences of periodic and deep economic recession or depression as wealth is cyclically distributed in the population. The biblical Jubilee Year adjusts the natural and cyclical ebb and flow of wealth throughout the economy.

  • The seventh year land Sabbath

Land based wealth will slow down the pace of society, giving everyone time to be able to "smell the roses" and not just the coffee filled with flavored high fructose corn syrup that enables people to race frantically from place to place. Humans can then synchronize their lives with the biorhythms of the divine creation of which they are a part. Count on the seventh year land rest cycle to inspire fine art, music and other beauties that require more time to contemplate—creative opportunity.

Land based wealth also requires investment in natural soil fertility—not the expensive, chemical cocktail laced, inert, inefficient, soil of most farms today. Every seventh year crop land will neither be planted nor harvested—the land will rest and naturally build micro-biologically based soil fertility, resulting in healthier, happier people!

  • Periodic debt release

In conjunction with the land Sabbath, every seventh year personal debt will be erased, curbing the urge of financiers to make irresponsible loans. Today's bankruptcy laws are merely poor facsimiles of God's "year of release."

All the bright-future talk of the present presidential candidates and other political leaders accounts for little compared to the incredible plan for economic freedom that the one true Messiah, Jesus Christ, will give to our world's stressed and worried population.

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