Super Bowl Ads: Reflections of Our Culture

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Super Bowl Ads

Reflections of Our Culture

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Football's Super Bowl game is the world's most-watched annual sports event. But the Super Bowl is much more than a football game.

It's also the crème de la crème of TV commercials. This year they sold for $3 million for a 30-second spot! Two ads—one rejected, the other accepted by this year's hosting network (NBC)—are examples of the controversial social perspectives that exist in our society and the turmoil that arises from those differing perceptions of morality.

The website features a 30-second ad that openly gives the pro-life religious-social viewpoint. To promote that viewpoint its supporters were able to raise sufficient funds to air the same ad during the Super Bowl. But NBC turned it down on the grounds that their network refuses to run ads involving "political advocacy or issues."

Now consider the second example—the ad the network was willing to accept. is a matchmaking service for married men and women who want to have an extramarital affair. The website openly advertises: "Life is short. Have an affair."

When Ashley-Madison sought to buy an ad spot on stations throughout the U.S. and Canada to air during the Super Bowl, NBC first agreed but finally backed away from trying to blanket all markets with the ad because of the outrage that arose over its blatant promotion of what is still commonly regarded as immorality.

The initial publicity started in Canada when CTV, which broadcasts the Super Bowl game in Canada, notified NBC of its refusal to run the ad. As it turned out, only one NBC affiliate station in the U.S. chose to air the ad.

As an ABC radio newscast put it on the Monday after the Super Bowl, it was the only station that "dared" to run the ad. Public objections to it had grown to that extent.

That today's society is deeply divided over moral issues is common knowledge. And the trend seems to be shifting toward the "do as you feel" point of view regarding personal conduct.

For those whose sense of morality is still rooted in biblical principles, these are disturbing times. They raise the question: Are we approaching the time described as the "last days" in the Scriptures?

The apostle Paul describes much of humanity in the "last days" as "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" (2 Timothy 3:1, 4). The prophet Isaiah gave this warning to those who disregard the teaching of God: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20).

In the Scriptures there is no compromise between good and evil behaviors. If you profess a loyalty to the God of the Bible, you need a clear roadmap to what is or is not moral behavior. That roadmap is based on the godly principles of conduct and thought that are encapsulated in the Ten Commandments.

Understanding those principles and grasping the underlying reasons why all human relationships benefit when they are consistently applied is one of the greatest needs in our world today. So don't assume what you may have heard about morality is all you need to know! Take the time to learn the foundational keys that produce the happiness all humans desire.

For a full and meaningful explanation of those godly values and principles that distinguish good from evil and protect our relationships, simply request or download our free booklet: The Ten Commandments.

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