Truth: A Powerful Ally

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A Powerful Ally

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In a recent press conference the embattled governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, defended himself against multiple corruption charges with these words: "I have on my side the most powerful ally there is, and it's the truth" (ABCNews, Dec. 19, 2008, emphasis added).

Just before watching his press conference, I heard recorded excerpts of the governor discussing possible means to profit personally from auctioning away an appointment to the U.S. Senate. It shocked me that he claimed truth to be his best ally.

New concepts of truth are evolving in Western society. As ethical and moral standards slide, finding agreement for a set definition of truth which everyone will accept grows increasingly elusive.

To accommodate the ever-changing views on truth, Merriam-Webster in 2006 added this to their dictionary about truthiness: "Truth that comes from the gut, not books" ( This reflects the sad reality that truth is now being reduced to a sliding scale that can include ranges of meaning from being carefully misleading to expressing outright lies.

Although much maligned in the public arena, truth still exists today. Jesus Christ defined the ultimate standard for truth, stating simply to His Father in heaven, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17). It is in the inspired Word of God that we find undilutedtruth.

God intended the Bible, the Word of God, to serve as a plain, universal and enduring standard of right and wrong. When studied and applied as a guide to life, the truth it contains can:

  • Convert our thinking and behavior
  • Give us insight and understanding of true values
  • Show us how to live abundantly with rejoicing
  • Teach us how to gain wisdom
  • Keep us out of trouble

The psalmist describes this truth as perfect, sure, right and pure (Psalm 19:7-11).

This is the truth the whole world desperately needs. The absence of truth in many of the lending practices of the world's financial institutions has obliterated the savings and lowered the standard of living for millions of people worldwide.

Real truth, defined correctly, is a most powerful ally for all circumstances of life. Imagine a world where truth, as defined in the Holy Scriptures, would govern the conduct of rulers and subjects alike. Imagine a world where truth-based wisdom, understanding and insight direct public policy and shape the decisions of everyday citizens. Imagine a world where people rejoice while living in peace and harmony instead of deceptively taking advantage of each other.

This world will become a reality in the future. Announcing this coming world of truth when the Kingdom of God is finally established on earth was the core theme of Jesus Christ's gospel message.

Why not learn more about that time and how you can participate in establishing truth as the real and practiced standard of human behavior? To get started simply request, download or read online our free booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom.

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