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Some believe nothing in life is free. How mistaken they are! The air we breathe, the paths we walk upon, the friends we have and the attitude we exhibit all come with no price tag. Furthermore, each of us is capable of giving something to someone else that is free, whether it is our time, our ears or something else the person needs.

John Bunyon noted: "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."

God tells us to do charitable deeds in secret, so that He may reward us openly (Matthew 6:1-4). Yet, we too often chafe at the seeming lack of appreciation from a receiver of our gifts.

There is something exhilarating about giving—really giving—anonymously. It develops a character trait in us that pleases God. We can all cancel the belief that nothing is free—when we give or do something for another that costs them nothing. We have that power.

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