Giving and Getting

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Giving and Getting

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There are two seas in Palestine—one that gives back what it receives, while the other keeps what it gets. One is fresh, and fish live in it. Plants grow on its banks, and trees drink in its living waters. The River Jordan makes this sea with water flowing from the hills to the north. Then the River Jordan flows out of this living Sea of Galilee and on south into another sea. This sea is dead, with nothing living in or around it. No one can drink of its water.

Why are these two seas so different when the Jordan River flows into both? The difference is the Sea of Galilee gives out as much as it receives, while the Dead Sea only takes and gives nothing.

As we have received, God expects us to give back. Christ said, "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8). Don't allow your life to be like the Dead Sea.

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