Beauty and the Beast

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Beauty and the Beast

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There are many tales of beautiful women in the Bible. Sarah at the age of 90 could still attract the attention of kings (Genesis 17:17; 20:2). There is also a danger that beauty brings. Unless there is discretion and wisdom, Beauty walks with the Beast. That beast is Folly (Proverbs 11:22; 15:21). “Beauty and Folly are old companions,” someone once wrote.

Beauty is skin deep some say, but the real beauty that is able to avoid the folly is on the inside (1 Peter 3:4). Discretion will prevent a beautiful woman from flaunting her beauty. Rather than detract from her, discretion enhances her. She will be admired and respected. Be the exception—look smart and be smart.

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Greetings friends, There are things more lasting in life than our skin.