Lazy People

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Lazy People

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This world has plenty of lazy people. The habits they gain keep them bouncing around from one chaotic point to another. Their path is not an easy one. It is loaded with sharp barbs and painful experiences: work is never really prepared; the car is barely drivable and breaks down often. Life is a transition from one problem to another.

It does not have to be this way.

The way of an upright person is like a highway (Proverbs 15:19)—smooth, free of debris and easy to travel on. Progress is swift and frustrations are few.

An upright person is active and doing, foreseeing trouble and taking the appropriate precautions. That way of life is the only way that works—but there are few who take it. It is not hidden or complicated. In fact, all the information we need is conveniently included in one book: God’s Bible.

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