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We take great pains to place warning signs of danger in areas of road construction, swimming pools and intersections. In some places we set up watchmen to warn of hazard. These extravagant attempts to catch the attention of people are acts of concern and kindness. One enjoyable sign on a farmer’s fence stated: “Warning! Don’t cross this field unless you can do it in 9.9 seconds. The bull can do it in 10 seconds.”

We seem to take danger signs too lightly. Our minds convince us that we are somehow exempt from obvious risk, or we become distracted. These are problems in our spiritual lives too. We can easily forget that the great enemy of mankind is plotting and scheming to destroy each one of us. The apostle Peter had been warned by Jesus, and, although he stepped a little carelessly early on, he learned to respect his enemy. He warned people that Satan is like a roaring lion (1 Peter 5:8). Watch out!

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