Failure Guaranteed

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Failure Guaranteed

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None of us plan to fail—we strive and plan to win. Winning often places huge demands on us, and it is tempting to look for the path of least resistance. The problem is that those paths usually lead downhill when our objective may be the mountaintop. There is one sure way that guarantees failure, and that is to quit. Rest if you must (all mountain climbers do) and pace yourself to conserve energy—but never, never quit.

Our God knows we are frail and that we are battling ourselves. He also knows how important it is for us to face ourselves and to work toward becoming stronger. Babies are frail and weak, too, but we all know that living makes them stronger. Sometimes we may need to bolster our spirits and gather our strength for the next phase of life (Hebrews 12:12-13). Just as it is wrong for parents to do everything for a child, God will not do everything for us. We need to learn to face life and to live it. We need to learn the lesson of never quitting.

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